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31.10.2013 OPEN KNOWLEDGE IN AALTO UNIVERSITY (Töölö Campus Library)
A meeting to discuss how we could activate more collaboration between Aalto University and the open knowledge scene (in Finland and internationally).
Could students get credits for participating in Apps4Finland competition or in various hackathon events? Students' thesis projects could perhaps explore current open knowledge topics? In general, what is the status of open knowledge / open science in Aalto research programmes?
Date & Time: Thu 31 Oct, 9:00
Venue: Aalto University Töölö Campus Library, Mechelininkatu 3D
People joining the meeting (pls add your name):
- Juhani Tenhunen (Aalto Media Factory)
- Juha Huuskonen (Open Knowledge Finland)
- Involved in organizing energy Hackathon 2013 and OKfestival 2012
- Interest to rea
- Antti Poikola (Open Knowledge Finland)
- Sami Majaniemi (Apps4Finland)
- Juuso Parkkinen (Aalto)
- Tarmo Toikkanen (Aalto University, Open Knowledge Finland, OKF Finland Open Education working group, Creative Commons Finland)
- Timo Honkela (Aalto)
- Aalto School of Science, Department of Information and Computer Science, Computational Cognitive Systems research group
- Forrest Oliphant (meemoo noflo mozilla)
- Tuija Sonkkila (Aalto Library Otaniemi and OKFFI Open Science)
- Maria Rehbinder
- Legal concelling in Aalto, involved in Creative Commons Finland - translating the CC lisences (CC0 and CC 4.0)
- working group of Aalto Open Access Policy (publications + data) - Horizon 2020 requires that 100% financed publications will be published openly
- aaltodoc platform
- Kari-Hans Kommonen
- Timo Honkela
- Aalto, perhaps HY next year
"Concrete" steps:
Open data course
- curriculum menee umpeen maalis-huhtikuussa
Open Science training for graduate students
- One thing we decided is to suggest a Open Science Training -course to the Aalto courses ( ). The course would be modelled from the OSTI Open Science Training Initiative which has been developed in Oxford, see the link:
- As next steps:
- Maria promised to talk about this to Lauri Saarinen (TOST Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen strateginen tuki) this friday
- OKFFI Open Science working group will make a draft course proposal to Juhani and Philip Dean before Christmas
- Notes: discussion with Lauri Saarinen ja Martti Raevaara, pitää varautua tekemään markkinointityötä, kontaktina jatko-opintoseminaarien pitäjät
Hackathon for making better
- Antti will follow up the initiative of the "Valtioneuvoston kanslia" and suggest Otaniemi as the venue for the big event.
0. General
Open Knowledge contains:
- Open Licenses
- Open Policy
- Open Access publication
- Open Data
- Open Courseware (OCW)
- Open Education (eg. MOOCs)
- Transparency(?)
- Are there any areas of university that would not be open?
- not easy to open: copyrights of music and pictures and films -> there is
Challenges in Open Energy Hackathon:
- Mostly tech people particated, even though topic is interesting for all schools
- Not many students (since no credits)
- We should find an easy solution for students to get credits for hackathons etc
- A course/courses in the Aalto University system that allow this to happen
OKFestival type of event in spring/autumn 2014
- Prime minister / Valtioneuvoston kanslia is interested in organising an event around open knowledge
1. Avoimen datan hyödyntäminen opetuksessa / Utilising open data in teaching
- credits for students, the course has to be listed somewhere and someone is responsible
- Apps4Finland hackathon course
- TKK software development 1
- Example: Visiting lecture by Jaakko Rajaniemi in mobile App development in 2011(?)
- Apps4Finland competition
- thesis projects (bachelor, masters)
- Aalto contact persons in the "Avoimen datan oppilaitosverkosto"
- possible names: Eero Hyvönen
2. Avoimen tieteen menetelmät tutkimuksessa / Open Science
Open science index - ranking the Finnish universities (compare to sweden)
Open Publishing
- is open access valued (compare to JUFO? list of valued publications)? cultural clash
- include dr Toma Susi (even though he's no longer in Aalto):
- Tuija could take forward a idea of clearing the submission form / web interface (see EDIT below)
- 10 minutes to add one publication -> minimum 200 000€ working time to spend
- Make importing information from TKKJULKAISEE fully automatic (now it provided roughly half of the needed info)!
- Find an intern to fill in the form
- integrate with Google Scholar
- EDIT 1.11: from people here at the Library that know much more than I do about Aaltodoc, I just heard that this has been work in progess for some time now already. So we try our best to enhance the present web form so that manual typing will be reduced to minimum. In other words, the submitting process will hopefully be like the following:
- a) user types in the DOI of the article
- b) under the hood, the system fetches all available metadata from a DOI resolver service and fills respective fields
- c) user checks data and adds missing bits. One thing I forgot to clarify yesterday, was that the to-come CRIS (current research information system) which is an ongoing project at Aalto, should draw the whole picture differently. It will replace all present systems (rather old-fashioned because they ARE old) like TKKjulkaisee and Reseda, and offer much more technically versatile ways (thumbs up!) to present and combine research activities and outputs in Aalto. If you like to know more about this project, the search term in is ACRIS.
- One another thing about Aaltodoc. Although it seems that there are only a handful of articles, there are much more, several thousands in fact (around 6000); it's just that they are buried in the Dissertations section. If/when the publisher has given the permission for the author to save the individual articles of the "nippuväitöskirja" on the local repository, the articles are there too. But here is the caveat: according to the permission, the articles have to be presented in such a way that they are not taken as separate articles (hence their absence from the Articles section of Aaltodoc) but as organic part of the dissertation. Due to some rather rigid technical developments in the then TKK web architecture of the last decade (I'm referring to CMS, into which we were forced to import the earlier separate Dissertation pages) added with problems with staff allocation, the Library has had tough times in catching up. To demonstrate my laborious explanation, here are some examples of articles as part of a Dissertation: , ,
- Aalto University has a fund for gold open access fees, but university should not pay for hybrid journals - paying twice.
- Discussion about blacklisting greedy journals, as well as blacklisting clearly bad journals (plagiarism, etc.)
Education and promotion of reproducible research
- Example: Possibility to open a Aalto Open Science Fellowship programme for researchers who wish to do and promote open science (see. )
- Could OKFFI and Aalto collaborate in this ie. developing courses for graduate students (see. for example ).
- Salon/coffeehouse concept: regular meetups to share work and socialize... beer or coffee, depending on time. Proper venue? Pechakucha or other lightning talk style, or informal structure? Plus breakout hands-on or group discusion? All Aalto. Open or themed meetups? Students teaching. = A regular time to socialize and mix ideas.
OKFFI Open Science
3. Avoimet oppimateriaalit opetuksessa / Open educational materials
- OCW is already a bit passè
4. Oppilaitosten oman datan avaaminen / Educational institutions opening their own data
- Eero Hyvönen, Tomi Kauppinen, Osma Suominen
- Course data is daily updated from Noppa
- Publications and other data is not updated - taken only one time -> OAMK in Oulu also got inspired
- - -
Open data in educational institutes network:
Open Knowledge Finland & Apps4Finland recently initiated a network to facilitate collaboration with educational institutions: (later in )
Comments related to JUFO and other things:
Aalto on kuulemani perusteella siirtymässä strategisesta yhä enemmän "eliittipainotuksiin".
1) Mitataan ja palkitaan lähinnä kovien impact factorien julkaisuja. Tieteellinen menestys pisteytetään tulevaisuudessa JUFO-listausten kanssa. Jos julkaisusi ei ole JUFOssa, se ei huomioon otettavaa tiedettä.
2) Teollisuusyhteistyötä ei oikein suositella, koska se vie aikaa oikealta tieteeltä. Esim. Rahat pitäisi hakea Akatemialta eikä TEKESin rahaa kannattaisi hakea. En ole ihan varma, mutta kuulemani mukaan professorien tehtävässään suoriutumista mitatessa Akatemia rahoilla on suurempi painoarvo kuin TEKES-rahalla - jos TEKES-rahalla edes on mitään arvoa.
Tässä kannattaisi lobata ainakin seuraavia asioita:
- Open science ja Open data tulisi saada lobattua sisäänrakennetusti JUFOon. JUFO ylipainottaa kansallista ja pohjoismaista tutkimusta, joten esim. Skandinavian-journalit tai jotkin suomenkieliset julkaisukanavat saavat pisteitä, vaikka tieteellisesti eivät pärjäisikään ulosjääville kansainvälisille julkaisuille. Olisi hyvä saada tällainen "positiivinen kannuste" myös Open Science ja Open Data julkaisuille. Vaikka sitten saisi julkaisustaan ne huippupisteet kansainvälisestä maksullisesta journalista, niin samalla datan ja muun julkaisu muualla toisi lisäpisteitä...
- Open science-menetelmiä ja välineitä voisi ottaa käyttöön Aallon sisäisinä palveluina. Tarvitaan ennenkaikkea helppoja ja joustavia ratkaisuja, joita on helppo ottaa käyttöön erilaisissa projekteissa ja jopa opiskelijoiden opinnäytetöissä. Itselläni on intressiä pilotoida tällaisia välineitä omassa projektissani - tilastodataa, haastatteludataa, arkkitehtuurikaavioita jne.
- Aallon konsernitason nykyiset kehittämiskohteet keskittyvät lähinnä hallintoon, eikä itse tieteen tekemiseen. Esimerkiksi projektiohjeistukset liittyvät hallintobyrokratiaan sopimus- ja rahoitustasolla. Itse projekteihin ei ole kunnon tukea. Tästä johtuen myös sopimustason ohjeistus on heikkotasoista, koska se ei ota huomioon itse tiedettä. Olisi hyvä saada ohjeistusta itse tieteen tekemiseen projektimaisesti - ja sisäänrakentaa tänne avoimuutta tukevia ominaisuuksia.
dai·ly: Done, produced, or occurring every day or every weekday
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