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UX Graz Meetup Notes
Tue 22 Sep 2015 18:00
Herzl Weinstube
Prokopigasse 12 / Mehlplatz
8010 Graz
tel +43-316-824300
Twitter: @uxgraz #uxgraz
18:00 Start
18:30 "Accessibility of the GVB Web Site from Blind Users' Perspective"
Diana Klemen, Lenard Frommelt, and Christopher Kopel
Graz University of Technology
19:30 Discussion
21:00 End
Astrid Tarkus, Evolaris, FH Joanneum graduate
Daniela Hauswirth, Bongfish, FH Joanneum graduate
Carmen Häusl, Madison, FH Joanneum graduate
Florian Hasenhüttl, AVL, FH Joanneum graduate student
Peter Zech, Simulation and sensing systems, Open data, Unity game development
Johanna Pirker, TU Graz, game development
Elli, Netconomy, master student at TU Graz, interested in usability
Elmar Krainz, FH Joanneum, Software Technology, Accessibility
Diana Klemen, TU Graz student
Lenard Frommelt, TU Graz student
Christopher Kopel, TU Graz student
Keith Andrews, TU Graz, IICM
Werner Schwaiger, FH Joanneum, Department of Media and Design
Konrad Baumann, FH Joanneum, Department of Media and Design
Introduction by Keith Andrews
Round of introduction of the attendees
Presentation by Klemen, Frommelt, Kopel: Accessibility Review of identical to
Chris presents the introduction:
Accessibility: Screen Reader software, analyzes graphical content on screen, provides text, and some control for mouse cursor movement and click simulations.
Most common screen readers:
Jaws for Windows, 1000,-
NVDA for Windows: free but less powerful
VoiceOver integrated in MacOS, iOS
Further tools:
Synthetized voice, pronouncing output of screen reader
Braille terminal
Sighted users can get more information at a glance. Blind people have to read sequentially.
Most common problems for blind users:
There aren't any standard elements used for checkboxes, buttons etc. > screen reader does not recognize them.
There aren't any meaningful alternative descriptions for graphical elements, or not any at all.
Interaction that makethe usage of mouse is necessary.
Diana presents the live demo of her screen reader.
There isn't any standardized test procedure available.
Our accessibility review is an inspection that is a cross-over of:
Heuristic evaluation (by experts, based on around 10 criteria)
Thinking aloud test (asking a few participants to speak out lound while doing typical tasks with the website)
We elaborated 11 accessibility heuristics
4 blind test users
background questionnaire
6 defined tasks
protocol and video recording of test sessions
participants rate observations.
Heuristics are adapted from Jakob Nielsen's
A01 Immediate textual feedback on system state
A02 Use text and language of user
A11 Keyboard-only use for every possible interaction
Target users of website are generally all GVB customers independently of their age, interests or know-how.
Blind users are a special subgroup of the target users, because they depend more on public transport and more on the website than the average user.
Test participants: 2 group members, 2 external persons.
Test equipment
Recording with Morae for screen capturing, webcam, voice, Braillescope (JAWS), camera recording
Lenart shows the results
The screen reader has a virtual cursor, but it is not shown visually (in the video).
Biggest problem:
Checkbox can not be deactivated by keyboard (space bar), so a blind user cannot deactivate it.
Other problems:
Unexpected cursor jump that cannot be noticed by blind users.
Unreadable PDF document.
No table headings.
So much Facebook.
5 positive comments
41 negative comments, from which 30 have a severety of 3,0 or more
Each participant failed at least one time.
In four out of six tasks there was at least one failure.
Positive observations:
Can be used only by keyboard.
Current news are in newsticker on homepage.
Negative observations:
Space key cannot uncheck checkbox
Unrecognized option list at BusBahnBim-Auskunft
Unexpected jump to option list
Purely graphical PDF
Missing HTML header
Facebook frame is on the top of the page
No clarification for graphical PDF "Liniennetz"
Meetup Notes
The informal notes of the meetup will be written both live and afterwards (anyone can edit) in the etherpad at:
Future Meetups
If you would like to give a short presentation, book review, or have
other suggestions for a future meetup, please email Keith Andrews (