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UX Graz Meetup Notes
"Google Glasses"
Tue 23 Sep 2014 18:00
Herzl Weinstube
Prokopigasse 12 / Mehlplatz
8010 Graz
tel +43-316-824300
Twitter: @uxgraz #uxgraz
- Keith Andrews, TU Graz
Notes re: "Google Glass: Technology, Possibilities, and Limitations"
- Christopher Tafeit, TU Graz
- using google glass since last december
- technology.possibilities.limitation
- Google Glass is like your first high school love
- ... That's all I'll ever need
- in the end you realize that imagination was stronger than reality
- technology: like a mobile several years ago
- CPU: dual core 1ghz 2gb ram
- Prism: 640x360 display
- Audio: bone conduction transducer
- Prism: like a full HD display from 2.5 meters away
- you can use normal headphones (much cheaper than the google ones)
- Most interesting sensor is the light sensor on the inside , focused on your white eye, reacts e.g. to blinks
- There is no LED for the camera, you don't know if someone is taking pictures, videos ...
- take a photo just by blinking
- like a smartphone from 2011/12
- but cannot make a call
- no GPS, 3G, or LTE
- You need to pair it with a smartphone
- S AWo: Why should I use a GG
- 1. Listen to music
- 2. make a picture
- 3. Record a video
- 4. use the navigation with (you need to be perfect in English otherwise)
- (idea behind: you don't need your mobile phone for navigation, works only for native speakers)
- on a bike, when the sun is in front
- 5. Important Tweets (algorithm is missing)
- General Idea for the GG by Google: "Keep your hands free".
- GG also works with iPhone.
- How can you use it?
- Prism
- voice
- commands
- Touch panel
- Tethered with a smartphone
- screencast function - project to smartphone
- biggest problem is the prism (background)
- what you can see/read depends on the background
- can only record video for max 45 to 60 mins before battery runs out
- camera is 720p
Audio: earbounds are ok
BCT (?) not good (hear the sound directly in your head)
Quality of the cam is pretty cool
problems with outdoor (rain/sweat)
google wants that it replaces the smartphone - in the moment it is not waterproof
problem if it is directly connected to optical glasses
... would be a cool thing if you are running ... but when you are sweating you should not use it
- support free by Google, but high costs in Austria
- "Privacy? You already have none - and with Glass you will gain none"
- Cam with no status LED
- Who else may be watching?
- Face detetection
- Voice commands are another privacy problem - Glass needs to analyze the keywords therefore it needs to keep the microphone open to recognize if you said "Ok Glass".
- "The only thing that saves us are the batteries" - when the battery problem is solved you are never sure who is listening.
- non obvious privacy problem: the Google cloud itself
- Glass sends a request to the Google cloud, the cloud to the web service, the service to the cloud ...
- "if somebody else is watching you need to hide your own PIN code from yourself"
- GDK vs. Mirror-API
- Mirror API could make you independent from the Google cloud
- face recognition in banks or hotels ? now excluded by the Glass Guidelines,
- Voice commands work well - the more you use it the better it gets, probably good learning algorithm. but you do not have to be connected to the internet
Notes re: "Google Glass in Health Care"
- Wolfgang Vorraber, TU Graz
- -> basic information in the Artikel in Kleine Zeitung and an ORF video
- shows how GG can be used during operations, makes important data accessible, other specialists can participate/assist
- Monitoring of real-time patient's vital signs
- Advantage: Keeps vital signs in-sight on google glass (independent of the view of the doctor)
- ... improvement with regard to efficienca and effectiveness in medical surgeries
- Steps:
- analyze the processes, understand the user
- definition of use cases
- mapping to real situation
- 5 use cases were defined monitoring of realtime patient data, navigation of medical images...
- Results
- internally developed software allows us tz remotely operate the device
- in the moment only prototypes are developed
- in the moment you have no control over the updating policy, which can cause problems, especially for companies
- first jounal article ist nearly accepted
- Group has explored one use case and wants to explore the other use cases
- Heat problem: Temperature is increasing uncomfortable. The GG suddenly shuts down when a temp threshhold is reached.
- No real cooling strategy is yet implemented.
- discussion:
- comparison with oculus rift
- searching for patterns
- the surgeon has to refocus (as with a monitor), but you have to get rid of the whole relocation process
- how much can you read? a whole tweet seems to be too much -- borders are often blurred
- ->
- ->
- ->
Notes re: "Google Glass for Industrial Applications"
- Astrid Tarkus, Evolaris
- Evolaris research center -> have a look at the evolaris youtube channel
- will show a project for AVL
- application supports the maintenance workers
- Evolaris youtube channel
- can also be used for training
- will show a video of this use case
- will give tips how to test a glass app
- use case 1:
- (virtual reality as a replacement for a manual)
- used for the maintenance of particle measurement machines
- worker gets the information e.g. by a QR code - or by a menu in the glass
- you swipe forward (on the glass) and the you see a step by step introduction
- the worker can see animations at each of the steps
- In the moment a prototype
- Another case:
- Live-System-Support
- if you have to a replace a machine and do not know how to fix it you can call specialists, you show them what you see, you can mark areas etc.
- communication of pictures
- Evolaris Google Glass Service Use Case
- tips for designing
- it's enterprise software. specific vocabularies are used. contextual inquiries are very important (finding out which vocabularies are used and how the workfow is)
- particapatory workshops with key users, designers and programmers
- presentation on slideshare by frog design (user research, ... bringing users into you process)
- sidenote: myo from thalmic labs:
- Used Minimal Design principle for their prototypes
- Contact lenses are not a big issue if you are used to contact lenses.
- for the reporting it is very important to distinguish the different kinds of issues
- glass - privacy - content - corporate
- 20:00 Discussion
Upcoming Events
Next Meetup
Tue 04 Nov 2014 18:00
Herzl Weinstube
Prokopigasse 12 / Mehlplatz
8010 Graz
Suggestions for Future Meetups
- Book review?
- Must-see video?
- Live trouble-shooting of a specific project?
- Oculus Rift? I'll get one this Wednesday. (= Chris Tafeit)
- there is one at Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, ask Lars Schimmer