This is a read only archive of See the shutdown announcement for details.

s20bar_session_proposals You have already ideas for sessions at Barcamp Science 2.0? Then put them into this pad.

* Interplanetary Filesystem (IPFS) as a new way to store and share research data
* How can research funding organisations in general steer academia's way to science 2.0? (checked)
* How can we change the publication system to be more conducive to open science? (checked)
* (How) Can we reform the peer review system in order to encourage and facilitate open science practices?
* What are the (dis)advantages of preregistration? How can the preregistration system be improved?
* How to make scientific text easy-readable by machines for resultative data analysis of millions of publications?
* Analyzing scholarly tweets with ElasticSearch and Kibana
* Problem of inherent privileging of quantitative over qualitative data in much of the "Science 2.0" discussion, question of how to make both coexist productively (checked)
- implementting best practics/OS for sustainability;
- cuture of appreciation; how people appreciate the dissminated information? (checked)
- tools for open science/research 
- how to teach open science / infuse traditional classes to ideas of OS 
- perceptions of OS (checked)
- OS and wiki words 
- OS standards, 5 recommendations (principles of OS, checked)
- documenting OS knowledge 
- informal education/festivals/games
- altmertics/trsnparent measures of OS platforms (checked) 
- openAIRE journal
- open education resources