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{ Inter-Nordic Open Data/Knowledge call - 2014.03.05 - notes }

(ps. the next call is on 2nd April 2014 )
( please use the original pad for planning notes : )


- Heather: 
    There'll be a Data Journalis event in May sometime.
    More details will be posted when it's been officially decided.

- Christian
        - Stathis : Heather, please shoot Stathis a note. Christian Can help ping Stathis.
        - Great plan that someone from civil society in .no takes a stand too. 
        - All .no initiators doesn’t need to be OKFN - others can be involved too. I.e. Øystein who's been involved in organising the Open Data Meetup in Oslo could help from a 
        - Could we collaborate on School of Data.

        - Goes to Stockholm to talk about open data.
                - Apparently the Swedes are really quite organised regarding open data. 
                ( The rest of us look forward to hearing more about the Swedes ;).
    - Some financial data getting opened soon in Iceland.

Miska :
For next time: