This is a read only archive of See the shutdown announcement for details.

bcg15-ux -------------------------------------------

Graz UX Community: 

Participants (If you want, write down your name as an attendee) 
@JoeyPrink (Johanna)
@uxblogat (Andrei)
@atarkus (Astrid)
@stefan2904 (Stefan)
@Rufus_12 (Georg
@scheugl (Max)

Session Dokumentation uxcamp

Jeder bitte wichtige/interessante Punkte mitdokumentieren :-) 


SLOT 1 (Markus und Chris) 


SLOT 2- Real-world UX as web startup (Karin und Christian) 

SLOT 3 - Open Discussion: Alternative Input Possibilities (eg Eye Tracking)


SLOT 4 - Brainstorming (Un)Usable Security - Stefan, Ralph, Christoph, YOU
    Android: k9 mail + APG (GPG software) / openKeyChain
   Web: mailvelope
   Thunderbird: enigmail
   Apple: gpgTools
 Bankomartkarten scannen (NFC): Bankomartkarten 


SLOT 5 - Open Discussion: UX, Usability & Interaction Design in der Technischen Kommunikation - Konrad, Werner, Mac 


SLOT 6 - Prototyping Software kennen lernen (Max)

Was ist Prototyping?
Preiswerte Veranschaulichung eines Designs und seiner Funktionalität, um Feedback ab den frühen Phasen der Entwicklung einzuholen

Für wen machen wir Prototypen?


Tools (please add if free/open source or not!)


A summary of your results. You may keep this very short. “We had a very intense discussion on xyz” can be your full documentation. You don’t need results, in some cases the discussion is all you need.


Slot 1

Session owner
Who offered that session?
(For public documentation please just add the first name.)

Responsible for documentation
Who is responsible for the session documentation. This might be multiple people.
(For public documentation please just use the first names.)

A summary of your results. You may keep this very short. “We had a very intense discussion on xyz” can be your full documentation. You don’t need results, in some cases the discussion is all you need.

If you agree on a follow-up please add to the documentation.

Other resources
If available please provide links to other resources online (blogposts, videos, …)