This is a read only archive of See the
shutdown announcement
for details.
23-25th September
FabLab, Prenzlauer Allee 242, 10405 Berlin
2. OFFERS / REQUESTS (hardware/tools, skills, data)
1. Evolution Simulation
TEAM (the names of all team members): Morris, Stefan
DESCRIPTION: A simulation of a world with creatures.
The world is a 2D screen.
A creature is a polygon.
All edges of a polygon have equal length.
Polygons can be born into the world.
Gaps between Polygons could be new Mutations of formerly unknown Polygons.
"Natural" Selection is defined by rules.
Polygons can not overlap. Only vertices and edges can overlap.
Polygons with more neighbors are healthier than polygons with only a few neighbors.
Vertices with a small angle sum are not as healty as 360° Vertices.
Polygons with only the same neighbors are not as healthy as polygons with many different neighbors.
Polygons can be convex or concave.
The edges of a polygon do not overlap. Only adjacent Edges overlap at one Vertex.
All vertices of polygons have different positions.
Vertices of one polygon can only lie at the end of exactly two edges.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
2. Powerwalking power: creates energy from walking
TEAM (the names of all team members): Doro, Marja, Joram, Manuel
We want to gather excess energy from walking or running. We constructed three different linear alternators that all move a magnet through a tightly wound copper coil. A LED is powered by the linear alternator and flashes up when shaking the device. When attached to a runner the LEDs light up with every step. The design is simple, and the parts can be salvaged from other devices. The tubes in one of the hacks are made from rolled up paper and the end caps are made from wood. Another tube was salvaged from an old electrical installation tube. The coils were wound by attaching the tube to a battery powered drill and slowly rolling up the copper wire. Total cost of one build is somewhere between 5 and 10 EUR for the copper wire and the magnet. Reclaim the wire from an old coil will reduce the costs even further.
With some further iteration we believe that it could be possible to charge a battery while running, effectively providing an off-grid sustainable power source for small scale applications.
This little hack is great to build your own running light at low cost by reclaiming materials you might already find on your fridge (magnets) or in an old printer (coils). The key for an efficient system is a strong magnet and a narrow but tightly wound coil with as many turns as possible.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
A guide to build a powerwalker will go up on some time later this week.
3. total recall nails
TEAM (the names of all team members): DARSHA HEWITT, DENNY PHANE, NADJA BUTTENDORF
DESCRIPTION: let's make fiction science again! In the Sci-fi movie 'Total Recall' from 1990 the secretary changes the color of her fingernails by tipping on her nails.OMG!
We experiment with an universal indicator paper, a ph-indicator to test materials for acidity, you can buy in every pharmacy. The colours from yellow to red (1-6) indicate an acidic solution, colours light blue to dark blue indicate bases (9-11) and green colour indicates that a solution is neutral.With a superalkaline solution we changed the color of the paper from yellow to blue.We found a way to RECALL the previous yellow color by dropping some superacidic solution on the paper.
No LED's involved!
- 1. cut the litmuspaper in the shape of your fingernail
- 2. stick it to double sided tape and cut the tape.
- 3. move the protection layer of the tape and stick it on your fingernail.
- 4. drop some superalkaline solution on your fingernail.
- 5. wohooo your fingernail is changing color!
- 6. now trip the most acidic solution you can find in your household (e.g. vinegar) on your fingernail!
- 7. your fingernail is turning yellow again!
We also invented the PISS NAILS!
A very healthy tool to test the pH of your urin and check if your hyperacidity.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
some videos:
4. augmented cooking bot
TEAM (the names of all team members):
Arne Jenssen
Sascha Held
Georg Buchner
Markus Scheider
Tim Baeumlisberger
Moritz Ebeling-Rump
The augmented cooking bot attempts to solve the problem of overcooking and undercooking of food. We use temperature sensors and feed that into an algorithm that tells you when to flip the pancake and when it is done and it also manipulates the temperature of the oven by turning it on/off.
We have done a lot of experiments with
--- open source Perfect pancake --
59 grams
236 °C
1m 20s flip
1m 40s second side
Recipe: "eigen pancake" [1]
190 g flour
25g sugar
10 g baking powder
3 g salt
25 g butter
330 g milk
80 g eggs
[1] "Cooking with Geeks" - Jeff Potter - Oreiiley 2013
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
Final version of source code, also distributed von
* Inputs ADC Value from Thermistor and outputs Temperature in Celsius
* requires: include <math.h>
* Utilizes the Steinhart-Hart Thermistor Equation:
* Temperature in Kelvin = 1 / {A + B[ln(R)] + C[ln(R)]3}
* where A = 0.001129148, B = 0.000234125 and C = 8.76741E-08
* These coefficients seem to work fairly universally, which is a bit of a
* surprise.
* Schematic:
* [Ground] -- [10k-pad-resistor] -- | -- [thermistor] --[Vcc (5 or 3.3v)]
* |
* Analog Pin 0
* In case it isn't obvious (as it wasn't to me until I thought about it), the analog ports
* measure the voltage between 0v -> Vcc which for an Arduino is a nominal 5v, but for (say)
* a JeeNode, is a nominal 3.3v.
* The resistance calculation uses the ratio of the two resistors, so the voltage
* specified above is really only required for the debugging that is commented out below
* Resistance = PadResistor * (1024/ADC -1)
* I have used this successfully with some CH Pipe Sensors (
* which be obtained from
//preparation for temp-measurement
#include <math.h>
#define ThermistorPIN 1 // Analog Pin 1
float vcc = 4.91; // only used for display purposes, if used
// set to the measured Vcc.
float pad = 9850; // balance/pad resistor value, set this to
// the measured resistance of your pad resistor
float thermr = 10000; // thermistor nominal resistance
float Thermistor(int RawADC) {
long Resistance;
float Temp; // Dual-Purpose variable to save space.
Resistance=pad*((1024.0 / RawADC) - 1);
Temp = log(Resistance); // Saving the Log(resistance) so not to calculate it 4 times later
Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 * Temp) + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp * Temp));
Temp = Temp - 273.15; // Convert Kelvin to Celsius
// BEGIN- Remove these lines for the function not to display anything
//Serial.print("ADC: ");
//Serial.print("/1024"); // Print out RAW ADC Number
//Serial.print(", vcc: ");
//Serial.print(", pad: ");
//Serial.print(" Kohms, Volts: ");
//Serial.print(", Resistance: ");
//Serial.print(" ohms, ");
// END- Remove these lines for the function not to display anything
// Uncomment this line for the function to return Fahrenheit instead.
//temp = (Temp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert to Fahrenheit
return Temp; // Return the Temperature
//preparation for lcd hield
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // select the pins used on the LCD panel
unsigned long tepTimer ;
unsigned long currTime;
int heatPin = 3; // Heating connected to digital pin 3
void setup() {
pinMode(heatPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
lcd.begin(16, 2); // start the library
//TODO: Command: Insert Batch. notFlipped=1; notDone=1;
//TODO: calculate totalTime
//TODO: set targetTemp;
float hystHight=5;
float targetTemp=75;
long totalTime=180000;
long flipTime=80000;
/*int SollZeit=360;
int Wenden=180;
int IstZeit=0;*/
boolean notFlipped=1;
boolean notDone=1;
boolean control=0;
boolean calculateControl(float temp,boolean oldControl){
// Serial.println(temp);
// Serial.println(targetTemp);
if (temp<targetTemp)
digitalWrite(heatPin, HIGH); // sets the heating on
/* else if ((temp-hystHight)<targetTemp && oldControl)
digitalWrite(heatPin, LOW); // sets the heating off
/*void setControl(boolean control){
if (control==1) {
digitalWrite(heatPin, HIGH); // sets the heating on
digitalWrite(heatPin, LOW); // sets the heating off
void loop() {
float temp;
temp=Thermistor(analogRead(ThermistorPIN)); // read ADC and convert it to Celsius
do {
temp=Thermistor(analogRead(ThermistorPIN)); // read ADC and convert it to Celsius
} while (temp<targetTemp);*/
if ((currTime>flipTime) && notFlipped==1) { // Tell user when its time to flip
//der ganze prozess soll eh nur einmal durchlaufen werden, ich würde die variable notFlipped weglassen und nur abfragen wann currTime
Serial.println("Flip it!");
lcd.print("Flip it!");
if ((currTime>totalTime) && notDone==1) { // Tell user when pancake is done
Serial.println("Enjoy ;)");
lcd.print("Enjoy ;)");
digitalWrite(heatPin, LOW); // sets the heating off
control=calculateControl(temp, control);
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // set the LCD cursor position
Serial.print("Celsius: ");
//to do: Plausibilitätsprüfung um Messfehler wie 300°C etc rauszufiltern. (würde nur einmal verkehrt heizen/kühlen)
delay(1000); // Delay a bit...
// IstZeit=IstZeit+1;
lcd.print("T: ");
5. humans sound like apes
TEAM (the names of all team members):
This project addresses the field of affective sciences in humans and animals. We are interested in the way the mankind extrapolates human centered academic terminology (E.g. from psycology) to the natural world. We wanted to illustrate this by linking the output of face/emotion recognition software to sounds made by animals experiencing an "equivalent" emotion. A very basic example would be the trigger of an angry dog sound when the camera detects an angry human face. We built a strong multidisciplinary team comprised of specialists on many fields ranging from programming to arts and science. We used commercial software already available for face and emotion recognition and adapted it to our needs with the use of programming and hacking. In regard to the sounds, they were obtained from scientific studies done by researchers while studying "animal emotions" in the lab and the field. The final hack hallmarks an interactive activity showcasing scientifically relevant data and state of the art technologies.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc): (photo is on the last slide of the presentation)
6. Rock your Rainbow - Spectrometer
Team Name: Rock Your Rainbow
Team's Members: Alessandro Volpato, Mario Behling, Hong Phuc Dang, Matthias Schwer, Alexander Moeller, Richard Ho, Stephanie Albrecht, Patrick Hasenfeld, Iris Wessolowski, Bjoern Huwe, Ellie Mutchler
DESCRIPTION: The goal of Rock your Rainbow is to build a general purpouse, cheap and open source spectrometer. Moreover we will launch citizen science activities for environmental and food analysis.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
7. infection Interaction game
TEAM (the names of all team members): Hélène Trommelen (, Gene Kogan
For this project, a small interactive game was created in which the user can get acquainted with some of the concepts of infections, such as the risks,symptoms and ways to prevent it. The format of a game is much more interactive compared to a textual format of a traditional information folder. Including gamification in the format imposes incentives to engage in the consumption of information. By creating a tool that adresses the understanding of their situation it can serve as a tool for creating an empathy path between the docter and patient perspective. In that way, it can serve as an affective mode of understanding. Positive reinforcement through gamification and role play empowers patients to embrace a challenge and become a participant rather than a wittness in the fight against disease.
The goal is to 1. make patients introduce patientsto these concepts in an accessible way 2. Make them feel comfortable with thedisease perspective 3. Create curiosity to participate in the treatment by creating an empathy path betwen the patient and the physician. 4.Motivate them to ask questions.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
8. battery plant-pots
- Gal Schkolnik @GSchkolnik
- Alessandro De Simone (
- Richard Höchenberger @RHoechenberger
DESCRIPTION: Some bacteria, found in mud from your local lake, can produce electricity, by eating sugars or organic acids, and anaerobically donating their terminal metabolic electrons to an electrode exposed to air. In simpler terms, if we physically separate these bacteria from the air, but connect them to it via a pice of wire with resistance, we'll get voltage and current, i.e. electrical power. The plant added to the system will supply the sugars via its roots.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
Duplicates of two different prototypes were created:
1. Carbon-epoxy electrodes
2. Graphite-carbon-epoxy electrodes
1. Carbon epoxy electrodes:
- activated Carbon granulate was pounded into powder using the back of a screw driver in a glass bowl
- The activated carbon powder was mixed with power mix metal 5-min epoxy (Patex) to obtain a metallic-looking black paste
-The epoxy-carbon paste was shaped using gloves fingers into a flat shape, and the crocodile end of a two-crocodile wire was stuck into it.
- when the epoxy hardened, the contact was buried in 2cm of activated carbon granulate in the bottom of a used 2L plastic bottle, which was previously washed with liquid soap and tap water.
- The activated carbon later was covered with tap water
-Mud collected at a depth of ca. 10-20 cm at the water edge of lake Teufelsee 6 days ago and stored at 5C since, was placed over the activated carbon and also covered with water.
- a devil's ivy cutting, which was placed for a month in water and grew a little root was held upright in the bottle above the mud
-about 5 cm of aquarium gravel was added to the bottle around the plant stem and covered with water
-activated carbon granulate was added above the gravel, and a crocodile in carbon-epoxy as above was stuck in it
-an activated carbon sponge was used as a top, and covered with water.
- The top and bottom electrodes were connected using the few crocodile, via a 1kOhm resistor.
Duplicates names: Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Marx
2. Graphite-carbon-epoxy electrodes
- The construction was similar, but this time, ø 0.7 mm graphite pencil filings were used to augment the electrodes, by aligning five in parallel and one across, which stuck to the parallel ones using carbon-epoxy. A crocodile was attached to one side of it using carbon-epoxy.
- The graphite supports were buried in the activated carbon granulated at the bottom and top of the plant pots.
-all the rest of the construction details were similar
Duplicate names: Rosa Parks and Karl Liebknecht
Marx 0.4mV
Luxemburg 0mV
Liebknecht 3mV
Parks 13
9. quantum reality / virtual reality
TEAM (the names of all team members):Benjamin Skirlo, Giulia paparo, Johanna Jaskowska, Philip Silva, Thomas Heidtmann
DESCRIPTION: Experience Quantum Physics through Virtual Reality. One doesn't directly see quantum mechanic effects but using VR it's now possible! We visualize the electron probability density and thus the possible states in the hydrogen atom through funny objects. The idea is that an observer would then trigger that a certain state is chosen.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos):
10. passive radar
TEAM (the names of all team members):
@teoguso- math maker
@meredityman- fearless cheerleader
@sveinb- radio mercenary
@nolash- enigmatic VR prophet
@xmunoz- software wench
We scrapped together a passive radar collection system using 2 TV tuners with anntenae, a USB hub, and some custom software. The amount of data that these tuners collected proved to be much more than we could process as mere mortals, but we did make a valient attempt to implement a custom cross correlation function to deduce the dopplar shift and distance of radar contacts, before eventually settling on using some built-in octave methods. We were also able to produce a proof of concept for transmitting finished radar matrix vertices to Unity binary via socket. More information about the tools that were used and source code and be found in our github repository, linked below.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
11. VIT BAND: Arduino based wearables
TEAM: Nikolai, Magdalena,Michael
DESCRIPTION: Wecreated an expandable and hackable arduino wearable with a wide variety of sensors.
The device includes:
UV lightsensor
Visiblelight sensor
All this in a compact and batterypowered form.
The best part: You can programit yourself, create events based on context, interact with the environment andcharge it with your phone power supply.
12. SHD Emission Tracker
TEAM (the names of all team members): Joana Moll, Julia Schoelermann, Nuño de la Serna
DESCRIPTION: Online CO2 emission tracker toolkit that allows to measure the environmental impact of the projects developed during the SHD Berlin 2016.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
13. fascinating exploration on cyanotypes & lenses (Kati, hacking with lenses)
TEAM (the names of all team members): Rachel, Kati, Rick and an honorary mention to Denny from the nail club for future ladies.
DESCRIPTION: We wanted to produce an artistic visualisation of the salt content of various bodily fluids. Does salt concentration change during the day? How does it compare between saliva, blood, sweat, tears and urine? With our machine you can measure it yourself at home and produce an image on cyanotype papers. Electrodes are introduced in a liquid sample and the salt concentration controls the aperture over the photopaper. The paper is exposed to light and the resulting size of the image reflects the salt concentration!
diy lenses:
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
14. underwater robot
TEAM (the names of all team members):
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
15. glowing women
TEAM (the names of all team members): Florence, Julian, Peggy
DESCRIPTION: Evaluation and fighting against the menstrual taboo in order to promote: women’s health awareness, women empowerment, biomedical research and acquisition of data related to womens' health.
LINKS (other documentations, github, photos etc):
(credentials to log in are in Gitter)
Google Spreadsheet receiving survey data:
Everything that was pitched on Friday
1. Evolution Simulation
2. Powerwalking power: creates energy from walking
3. total recall nails
4. augmented cooking bot
5. humans sound like apes
6. spectrometer
7. acoustic holograms
8. infection reduction game
9. battery plant-pots
10. AirBnb for scientific instruments
11. quantum reality / virtual reality
12. glowing women / lets talk about periods
13. passive radar
14. arduino based wearables
15. SHD Emission Tracker
16. fascinating exploration on cyanotypes & lenses (Kati, hacking with lenses)
17. underwater robot
Hi! Add your ideas, offers or requests below. Read those from others. Add your 2 cents. Share and collaborate. Check back from time to time to see how things are developing. And don't forget to leave some contact details so that your future collaborators can reach you :)
TITLE: Planetary billiards
DESCRIPTION: A billiard table made out of spandex for demonstrating gravity. The pockets would be blackholes.
EQUIPMENT/SKILLS/PEOPLE NEEDED: a lot of spandex. balls.
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- Liz,
- ...and jump in!
- I have a wardrobe FULL of spandex. - Dave, @spandtacular
TITLE: Humans Sound Like Apes
DESCRIPTION: I would like to link/hack the output of human face/emotion recognition software to sounds made by animals and present it to the curatorial team of the STATE Festival (On Emotions) in order to showcase it at the at the Natur Kunde Museum Berlin on the evening of the 3.11.16 . The idea is to hear an angry dog or ape when the camera detects an angry face. Such software already exists but only provides text as output (E.g. "happy", "sad", "angry", etc). In regard to the sounds, they could be obtained from scientific studies done by researchers while studying "animal emotions" in the lab. The final hack should be able to produce a continous animal soundtrack (maybe on loop?) that can be mixed by a DJ and played during the ceremoy. This will create an interesting interactive activity between the audience and the location by embracing the theme of the festival.
EQUIPMENT/SKILLS/PEOPLE NEEDED: Computer with camera and speakers, programmers, DJ.
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- Pablo
- Franziska
- ...and jump in!
- I already have some fece/emotion recognition software in mind that we can use
- I have access to a library/source of animal sounds related to emotions obtained from scientific research
See u guys around 10-10:30am tomorrow sunday :) cheers for an amazing team job today!
TITLE: open science outreach booklet (or FAQ flyer)
DESCRIPTION: This is a proposal for a write-a-thon to compose a brochure (or flyer) telling people about how any science should be open science. In particular, we should emphasise how doing science should be like free (as in freedom) software, where all output should give everyone the freedom to use it for any purpose, study it, build upon it, and share the results.
We need to clearly define "open science" for the purposes of this brochure, answer common questions/concerns, and address common misconceptions. It will also be helpful to give concrete examples on what a fully "open science" research workflow looks like with suggestions on how both professional and non-professional scientists can do open science.
* computers to type on
* computers with graphic design and pagesetting software such as Inkscape or Scribus
* printers if proofs of the flyer/brochure are printed
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- no one yet...
- ...and jump in!
TITLE: DIY motion sensing "camera trap"
DESCRIPTION: Motion sensing "camera traps" are used for monitoring wildlife by taking pictures of them when the cameras are triggered by their motion.
Current off the shelf camera traps are not only expensive (easily hundreds of Euros for a good one), but are also highly proprietary black boxes where you do not have the freedom to study them, build on the design and share it with others.
Technarium has made amazing progress on developing a DIY camera trap and this proposal is to build on that momentum and develop a hackable DIY camera trap where the design/schematics are released under a free culture (as in freedom) compatible license.
It is also important that the product is relatively cheap to make so that it can be more financially accessible.
EQUIPMENT/SKILLS/PEOPLE NEEDED: A basic camera trap would require:
* camera unit with night vision
* motion sensor such as a passive infrared (PIR) sensor
* realtime clock (RTC) to timestamp photos
* infrared flash for night time pictures
* long battery life (more than a month!!)
* rugged weatherproof case because it has to be deployed in the wilderness (or your garden)
* relatively cheap and easy to assemble so students can build them in class
* computers for coding and CAD
* parts such as different camera units, motions sensors, realtime clocks, power supply parts, etc.
* probably microcontroller boards such as Arduinos
* soldering tools???
* 3D printer if someone prototypes a case?
* Pen has sent over a disassembled camera trap for reference.
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- no one yet...
- ...and jump in!
TITLE: Evolution tracing game app
DESCRIPTION: The BBC once did a science outreach activity:
In this activity, you show a straight line on a computer (or tablet) screen and ask a person to trace over it (with a pen or just the mouse). You make the original layer (with the perfectly straight line) invisible and ask a second person to trace over the first person's line, and continue the process ad infinitum. At the end, you show all participants the "evolution" of the line. You wil see that each subsequent copy of the line is a little bit different from the previous one, and that's how evolution works!
My proposal is the development of a cross platform educational app that does this with customisation options. For example, you can specify whether you want to start with a straight line or another arbritrary shape (so likely some basic vector graphics capability). After letting lots of people trace over the lines, the app will ideally offer different ways to visualise the evolution. I'd also love to ability to start different lineages, so for example at a certain point you can choose the split the lineage and see how the evolution diverges.
- Computers for developing this app
- I suggust using the Python Kivy framework for the app
- Vector graphics skills
- Other languages/frameworks are fine, too!! (it's just that Python and R are the only languages I have any experience with...)
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- Pen (
- ...and jump in!
- I would like to app to work on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices but that's just me!!
- I guess another possibility is developing this into a HTML5 offline-friendly app (likely with local storage functionality).
- I also hope that we can create well documented code and put our results on a Git repo like GitLab under the GPLv3.
- I'm confused. You are working on three things at the same time?
- Sorry I wasn't clear, no. Lucy reminded me that there won't be enough time for three!!! So I think I'd like to just focus on the evolution edutainment game.
- I like the idea of evolution. But working with handdrawn lines will just result in randomness. So some "natural selection" would be needed.
- On the other hand DNA is digital and consists of discrete symbols. Therefore I suggest to use line segments of equal length, which can form polygons.
- At each each simulation step a new Polygon can be "born", which is similar to a parent Polygon. It can be mutated by adding or removing one vertex or changing angles.
- Polygons can float on the screen. Polygons can join together at their edges. The selection criteria is, that polygons live longer and can have more similar descendants, when the are joined with neighbors.
- Polygons can not overlap in the 2D space.
- I like this idea, but the reason I mentioned tracing lines is that (hopefully) the user will gain an appreciation for how each copy is very close to the previous generation but also slightly different at the same time. Can this experience be replicated with the polygons version?
- I think that doing evolution generation by hand as shown in the BBC video is very time consuming and involves a lot people who should not know about the experiment. Otherwise they would draw straight lines or other things. Therefore I prefer calcutating generations and mutations very fast per computer. The results can still as evolution tree to everybody.
- As this a Hack Day building an App for multiple platforms is a time consuming goal. Start with one prototype for one environment!
- Agree - Great ideas Pen but you'll need to choose and pitch one hack that's (hopefully) achievable during the hackathon :) – @lu_cyP SHDB
- Sorry about the confusion, I think I'd like to focus on this idea since it seems the most tractable to me. That said, can I leave the others up in case someone else wants to work on them?????
TITLE: Polygon Evolution
DESCRIPTION: A simulation of a world with creatures.
The world is a 2D screen. The limiting ressource is space.
A creature is a polygon. Each edge of a polygon has the same length.
Polygons can be born. Und which condition will a polygon be born? Which location? Which orientation? Does it float like a bacteria or is it already joined to a parent like a plant.
Polygons can die. Under which conditions? Does it have a live counter lika a candle? Or does it just have a certain probabiliy?
Will the simulation software deterministic or random?
Polygons can have mutated children.
Mutations could be one edge more or less. Different angles.
Polygons have a live time.
"Natural" Selection is defined by rules.
Polygons can not overlap. Only vertices and edges can overlap.
Polygons with more neighbors are healthier than polygons with only a few neighbors.
Vertices with a small angle sum not as healty as 360° Vertices.
Polygons with only the same neighbors are not as healthy as polygons with many different neighbors.
This hopefully avoids mono cultures.
Polygons can be convex or concave.
The edges of a polygon do not overlap. Only adjacent Edges overlap at one Vertex.
All vertices of polygons have different positions. Vertices of one polygon can only lie at the end of exactly two edges.
How does the world look at the beginning?
empty, one shape ("Adam"), a few shape, lots of random shapes
Plant like or bacteria like bahaviour?
Only polygons with rational angles are considered for now.
An angle is a fraction of a full circle.
The angle of a full circle would be: 1/1
The angle of a square would be 1/4
The angle of a regular n-gon would be 1/2 - 1/n
Data structures:
nominator: Int
divider: Int
func value() -> Double
func degrees() -> Double
func radians() -> Double
- layer: CAShapeLayer
- edges: [Edge]
- angles: [Angle]
layer: CALayer
shapes: [Shape]
func iteration()
- func survive()
- func birth()
- func mutate(shape: Shape) -> Shape
func health(shape: Shape) -> Double
- func angleSum(vertex: Vertex) -> Angle
- func neighborCount(shape: Shape) -> Int
- func differentNeighborCount(shape: Shape) -> Int
Computer, Research, Software Development, Ideas for Rules, Ideas for the evolution process.
Ideas for calculating new equiliteral polygons.
- Stefan @hintz
- Ideas
- algorithms
- approaches
- start with 3 spots on the screen populated with start polygons that grow circulary outwards, if the next ring shape fits around the inner shape it survives, once it grows the 3 points grow together
- edge overlap detection
- state->survival_buffer->evolution_process->start_over
- Resources
TITLE: Build a Spectrometer ( )
HACKERS (pls include contact details): Patrick (,Aktor007
- Build a simple spectrometer
- A similar projekt like
- Arne Jenssen is interested ( Msc Quantum physics, PhD numerical methods, full-stack developer
- Georg Buchner ( interested! I work with UV and IR spectroscopy A LOT; I know more about what you do with it than how it works but well.. PhD student in chemical engineering, MSc in chemical engineering and management
- Hardware: Maybe a Raspberry Pi and a Raspberry Pi camera to record the spectrum, maybe a grating to bend the light
- SHD16 we got these
- Hi, if you can't find a grating, you could use a CD (Blue ray at the best) it works very well and the split diapragm could be two razor blades, if you like. (from Stephie,
- I can offer a prisma - Sash (
- Hi everyone - it's a good idea to include contact details so that people can reach you off-pad to confirm stuff :) - @lu_cyP (SHDB)
- So is this going to be Fourier transform or frequency scanning?
- This is totally what I thought about. Great idea. I already figured that as Stephie mentioned, disc film works great to create the light refraction. I had found this ( in the past, where the hacker used a refracting grill on a servo to scan the spectrum over a photodiode, recording the values. In combination with a standard (idea: chlorophyll extracted from spinach leaves), this could be calibrated and used to get spectral readings from all sorts of liquid compounds. (Joram, @derjoram)
TITLE:Plant-pot battery (plant-MFC)
DESCRIPTION: Some bacteria, found in mud from your local lake, can produce electricity, by eating sugars or organic acids, and anaerobically donating their terminal metabolic electrons to an electrode exposed to air. In simpler terms, if we physically separate these bacteria from the air, but connect them to it via a pice of wire with resistance, we'll get voltage and current, i.e. electrical power. The plant added to the system will supply the sugars via its roots.
EQUIPMENT/SKILLS/PEOPLE NEEDED: 5-10 Empty 2L bottles and exposed graphite pencils (the kind with no wood covering the graphite)
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- Gal Schkolnik
- Alessandro De Simone (
- Would love to have some more hackers on board!
- Working hours: Sat after lunch till late ;)
- At TU Berlin we did this one summer. I'd be happy to chat :) (Joram, @derjoram)
- Hey Gal - hope you don't mind if I put this here (a little background on the project from our regular meetup): - @lu_cyP SHDB
- Thanks Lucy! Anyone who wants more details, go to the "What, why and how" section. Changes from last time: because the bacteria ended up eating the stainless steel electrodes (producing rust), I want to try using activated carbon or graphite electrodes instead.
- Very nice project. I'm a biotechnologist and love the idea of MFC. I can bring a couple of 2L empty bottles plus some graphite pencils (Alessandro).
TITLE: Augmented Cooking Bot
DESCRIPTION: I propose to use an infrared camera to hack the experience of cooking food to prevent it from overcooking or undercooking. By use of remote IR temperature sensor I imagine to use machine learning to find the optimum heat setting of the oven and cooking time.
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: We need a infrared camera that can stream temperature data continuously and cooking equipment (portable induction oven?). I am flying in from Norway, so i can’t bring this equipment my self.
- I know programming and some machine learning, I have some ideas about algorithms to look into, but it would be nice to have more ML hackers
- chemists
- people interested in cooking in general,
- people who are interested in science of cooking
- Arne Jenssen -
- Sascha Held - (though i'm quite handicapped with tenosynovitis on both hands which heal very very slowly, will have to be careful through the weekend)
- Georg Buchner ( Awesome! Always interested in heat transfer and spectroscopy due to my research (see "build a spectrometer")
- Really cool project. I might be too busy with my own - see below - but in case it's feasible, I would love to join your team! I mean, I guess that at least, I will always be able to find time to taste the food haha ;) Flo (florence.razoux@gmail)
- Moritz Ebeling-Rump - Great idea! Especially interested in the ML aspect
- I would suggest to make it an egg frying project, we can have an algorithm calculate the time for making a perfect fried egg according to its weight AND monitor it via camera. Next level would be to monitor the IR-footprint of the eggwhite to tell when all the egg is coagulated aka "cooked" @Sasch
- I can bring a digital scale which gives 1gram readings
--- open source Perfect pancake --
59 grams
236 °C
1m 20s flip
1m 40s second side
Recipe: "eigen pancake" [1]
190 g flour
25g sugar
10 g baking powder
3 g salt
25 g butter
330 g milk
80 g eggs
[1] "Cooking with Geeks" - Jeff Potter - Oreiiley 2013
TITLE: The infection risk game
I would like to work on a game for interactive health communication. My idea was to have the patient interact with falling balls that describe either infection symptoms (blood in urine), or preventive measures (drink water). Similar to something like this: . My idea was that, when the player catches a symptom, the ball sticks to the player and he has to shake it off by warning the doctor. There would also be some kind of scoring system. The goal is not necessarily that the patients learn all the symptoms/preventive measures, but more to familiarise them with the concepts by interacting with the information. This was my idea, but I'm open to other input as well.
developers, UI/UX designers
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- My name: Hélène Trommelen -
TITLE: Women glowing in the dark - biomed & sciart project
DESCRIPTION: Creation of a social media that connects women together via the artistic display and the mapping of their menstruations.
e.g. What if we would give the chance to women to make their mentrual blood glowing and encourage them to share the visual result on an interactive platform?
The project aims to:
(1) Fight the taboo that surrounds feminine menstruation and contribute to women empowerment in a fun way
(2) Bring awareness about women health related issues
(3) Help acquiring real-time geo-localized data that may contribute to the advancement of woman health related biomedical research.
An extension of the project to the breast feeding topic is not excluded.
App designers / IT folk who could provide help prototyping:
(1) an app that could be kind of an hybrid between instagram and an interactive google map.
(2) a connection between the app and a platform that would store the anonymously acquired data .
Biologist / biochemists / chemists who could help designing 'visual' chemical reactions with blood:
e.g. Luminol, in order to produce light from the reaction with blood like in the piece Blood lamp designed by Mike Thompson
But also other reagents - if possible natural? - that could react with e.g. hormones such oestrogenes, prostaglandines etc.
And who ever feels concerned, inspired, enthousiast or even critical about the thematic ;)
- Stuff needed for the app
- Biochemical reagent (e.g. luminol)
- Blood samples
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- Flo
- Please join in! :)
TITLE: Powerwalking
Every day more than ten steps are performed world wide. We should harvest that power!
My idea is to build a linear alternator (think shake torch light), attach it to the body of a runner and use the energy to power position lights (LED) or charge a battery that then will charge your phone/smartwatch/smartphone/phonewatch.
Tasks are:
- identifiying the body movement best exploited for energy production (legs, joints, back...)
- design and build a working prototype
- figure out how to store the pulsed energy in a battery
- Put everything in a neat casing
- how to connect that device to the internet to make an thing of internet, cloud enabled with the biggest data (just kidding)
- Copper coils (isolated copper wire, dt: Lackiert)
- magnets (everything is better with magnets)
- Springs
- tubes
- electronics for charging batteries (capacitors, simple circuits)
- LEDs
- Fabrics, rubber bands, anything to attach the hack to a body. great would be old smartphone arm/body bands
- Piezo elements for spark creation
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
- joram (@derjoram,, 0178 2885503
- doro (@d_schwartzmann)
- I believe this build opens many challenges that could be overcome in a weekend, mechanical as well as electronic and physical.
- Attaching generators to a runner is an effective training to make the runner more strongerer.
- We start on Saturday somewhere around 9-10.30 a.m. and decide what to shop where
TITLE: Quantum reality or virtual relativity
DESCRIPTION: The idea is to create a virtual world in which you can experience yourself the weirdness of quantum mechanics and/or relativity. Inspired from the book: The adventures of Mr. Tompkins by george gamow.. more in the pitch..
developers! someone who has a idea of how to programm a "shrinking world"- i guess unity would be best..
anyone who is keen on the idea
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
HACKERS (pls include contact details):
2. OFFERS / REQUESTS (hardware/tools, skills, data)
NAME #shdb16 : Mary
A bunch of sensors: e.g. light, gas, biometric, location, orientation, proximity, touch, temperature, liquid, ... we also have a sensebox (
motors, wearable electronics,
all kinds of microconrtroller board: Arduino, Raspberry
hackable gadgets: kinect, leap, ...
NAME (pls include contact details): Julian Vogels (
OFFER/REQUEST: Electronic components
- I got two big cardboxes full of electronic components, mostly connectors and switches, but you can find lots of thinks. I'd give most of it for free, the expensive items maybe for a little donation.
- Can also provide soldering tools as well as PSoC programming/developing tools.
- Do you have some OPVs and have knowledge about amplifying the voltage of a thermocouple? We want to continously measure a temperature with an arduino. @sash
- I work at the Fab Lab R&D Center so all that stuff is there all the time.
- Thats awesome.
- Yeah! And really happy to have you with us this time :) - @lu_cyP SHDB
Sasch ( (pls include contact details):
Ratemeter from Berthold to measure radioactivity
DSO from Tektronix, model TDS 1001
Lab power supply 30V/5A
a big bunch of crystalline silicon solar cells
some Arduinos Uno boards, various shields and a Raspberry Pi1
several working Android phones (mostly the digitizer is broken, but the screen works and they are accessible via USB OTG)
two Weller soldering stations
Dremel 300
Hotair Gun
- plus tons of electronics parts
- Please contact me if you are interested in any of the named tools, i have only limited transport-capacity
- Nice!! thank you! - @lu_cyP SHDB
NAME: @hintz
REQUEST: Please make "Science of Art" or "Art of Science"
OFFER: Software for creating Art
The file format of the Girih App is open and documented.
You can generate Girih-Text-Files with your Science Hack and view it in the App or with QuickLook.
Or You can design Art in the Girih App and export it as Girih-Text-Files or SVG.
Possible Hack-Ideas:
- Classification of equilateral Polygons
- Polygon-Algorithms
- Coloring schemes
- Laser Cutting
- 3D Printing
- non rectangular LED Panels
- Games
- Architecture
- City planning
- Islamic Art
- Penrose Tilings
NAME Arne Jenssen,
REQUEST: A Infrared Camera that can read the data/temperature out to a computer continously
- I sent a email to CATERPILAR if it is possible to borrow a CAT S60 smartphone with builtin IR camera for the weekend. I haven't received a reply yet.
- Maybe someone has one of these nice SEEK thermal cameras for Android? @Sash
- FLIR one would be great too
NAME (pls include contact details):