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Making an Open Access Global Review - -
########################## Session Information ##############################################
Session objective:
- To identify what we need to know, and what tools we need to effectively do an global review of Open Access next year
Session Plan
- 1) Intro
- 2) Post-it note exersize to get a overview of what we know, what we need to konw
- 3) Breakout exersize with discussion of tools to get/use data
- 4) Feedback
- 5) How we're going to take this forwards
Hashtag: #okfestOA
Facilitators Details:
Name - Organisation - contact details (whatever you're happy to give... we like twitter).
Joe McArthur - Right to Research Coallition/SPARC/Open Access Button - @mcarthur_joe
Jenny Molloy - Open Knowledge @jenny_molloy or @okfnscience
Peter Murray Rust - ContentMine
Cameron Neylon - PLOS
Michelle Brook - ContentMine and Open Knowedge
Participants details:
Daniel Huerlimann, researcher at Universities of Lucerne and Zurich, founder of (open access journal for legal scholars, starting in August)
Joao Martins, Swiss National Science Foundation
Richard Akerman, National Research Council Canada
########################### Projects people are interested in (quickly collated) ##############################
#1 Measuring the efficiency of open access (proposed by Catriona PLOS)
- How can be demonstrate the benefits of different licenses
#2 Open Access Census
- ·
- ·
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- · (Catriona PLOS)
- · Peter
- · Joe
- ·
- ·
- ·
#3 Platform for FOIs (cost of subscription data)
- ·
- ·
- ·
- · (mainly to follow the discussions and exchanges I guess)
- # 3a Cost of open access
- This could be tied to the above idea
- · Catroina
#4 Machine readable policy (Daniel)
#5 Starting journal (more info???)
- · (point to
- · Daniel wants to be connected with above. He’s also starting a journal. Contact details are
- General info: Lucy Patterson
######################### Breakout Group Notes: ##########################################
Give your group a name and take notes below! Including actions!
## UK
### What do we need
- Need to centralise info on what is actually happening.
## Germany
### What do we need
## North America
### What do we need
- Open up process of submission process, peer review process - to be more transparent
- From the Policy side, costs are helpful in steering policy decisions
- - University subscription costs
- - Opening up publisher contracts
- - How much is being spent on Gold/Green OA
- From the researcher side
- Opening up code that underlies the article,
- How article is tracked? Is the data being cited?
- citations per work Gold vs. Green
## Eastern Europe
- More basic problems than subscriptions costs or publication fees
- * Plagiarism (esp. amongst students, theses)
- * Researchers don't even publish
- * Value of knowledge is perceived to be low
- * No open access policies in some places
- * No metadata online
### What do we need
- Movement of faculty to willingly adpt OA policies and then can start collecting data. Need people to motivate and share best practise
- Information on figures of less interest to researchers - need to know what others have done and what works and doesn't
## Additional notes from other regions
Australia has a web service which allows getting the total sums spent by university libraries
Open Access Mandates should me machine-readable so that violations can be automatically detected