This is a read only archive of See the
shutdown announcement
for details.
What this is about:
Where the other minutes have gone:
TELCO Mar 3rd 2016, 03:00 pm CET (Berlin time)
regular participants (please add yourself & skype account)
- CC Christian Chiarcos (christian.chiarcos)
- BK Bettina Klimek
- JM John McCrae
- LA lupe.aguado
- EM Elena Montiel
- JG Jorge Gracia (jogracia)
- SM Steve Moran (stivits)
- MV Marta Villegas
- YH Yoshihiko Hayashi
- JEK Judith Eckle-Kohler (eckle-kohler)
- SN Sebastian Nordhoff (thuan_seb)
- AS Andrea Schalley (andrea.schalley1 -- excused)
- Felix Sasaki (excused)
- PC Philipp Cimiano (philipp.cimiano)
- VR Víctor Rodríguez (vroddon3)
- JB Julia Bosque Gil (jbosgil)
- SH Sebastian Hellmann
actual participants (2016, Mar 3rd):
agenda (please add)
- orga
- introducing new members (if any)
- recent developments
- new projects, new people, recent events, other recent developments
- W3C community groups
- LLOD diagram
- updates on standing issues
- terminology, best practices, legal issues
- publications and dissemination
- upcoming/plans
- ISWC workshop (see below)
- regular telco
- Doodle: telcos on a regular basis: normally every 4 weeks, Thursday, 03:00 pm CET/Berlin time
- organizational issues [updates?]
- wiki site:
- task assignments / contact persons (last and current telco)
- JM/CC -> LLOD diagram
- SN (SH) -> OKFN liaison
- CC/JM -> telcos
- ?? -> blog/website/wiki
- BK -> LLOD/datahub metadata
- Victor -> legal issues
March 3rd 2016: Primarily discussing ISWC workshop (see below)
recent developments
- new projects/new people ?
- recent events
W3C Community Groups
- Dec 2015:
- - Multiple groups with multiple viewpoints?
- - Can we maintain both data?
- - Is 'open' a block to attracting industry participation?
- - Directly contact Lider partners
- LD4LT:
- status Feb 2016:
- JM: Propose that all LIDER activities are moved to OWLG (Feb 2016)
- OntoLex:
- status Feb 2017
- JM: closed public debate, internal consolidation, then on W3C servers, then maybe ISO
- summer: moving to monitoring/advising/use, etc.
LLOD diagram (
- latest:
- monthly static releases
- current size?
- infrastructure for meta data hosting (URL, @JM)
- datahub for metadata entry, linghub for diagram
- sustainability of linghub?
- licensing discussion
- currently: alternative visualization with license information
- what to do about non-open resources, e.g., BabelNet?
- discuss status of NC/SA data sets
- -> thread on mailing list in autumn 2015: summary?
- inclusion criteria (LLOD cloud has grown, which quality criteria to enforce?)
- Priorities: openness versus standardization versus discoverability versus linkage
- data quality
- originality (?)
- licensing status
- availability already checked
- access limitations ?
- DOI( URI)s instead of mere URIs ? (Doug Cooper @ LIDER datathon, June, Spain)
- JM: difficult to obtain, buffer overflow (?)
- LLOD and LOD:
other standing issues
- terminology (linguistic relevance, LLOD data categories)
- best practices
- cf. BPMLOD above
- JG: cross-links with BP-MLOD, outcomes of BP-MLOD -> OWLG, working on several guidelines, distributed around in order to invite feedback, not much yet
- best practices @ Wiki/Blog
- legal issues
- TBC: guidance for licensing questions?
publications and dissemination
- website/wiki/blog activity
- need to push infos on mailing list and blog
- TBC: who can coordinate
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- publications: LREC paper
- publication plans
upcoming: events on Linguistic Linked Open Data,
- LDL-2016 workshop at LREC-2016
- - Dec 3rd, 2016: Suggestions to add demo track?
- workshop @ ISWC
next telco:
Apr 7th, 2016, time: 10:00am CET or Doodle (=> JM)