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Open Science Census Project Meeting
When: Wed, 17 Dec 2014, 16:30 UTC
How: Skype (add your ID below)
Participants should add name and Skype ID below:
Rayna (maliciarogue)
Jenny (jcmcoppice12)
Stefan Kasberger (cheeseman1983)
Brian Glanz, added a note or two here and myself to
The idea is to have an overall assessment across countries and rank countries (like Global Open Data Index).
Policy-making advocacy tool (not aimed at researchers but at politicians/policy-makers)
At this stage looking for policies only - global open data availability is difficult at this stage
1. Define scope:
Domain scope of an Open Science Census: it could cover many aspects of open science but also be standardised enoudg to be applicable across countries.
How broad on 'open science': Could go very broad with research, but need to be wary of going too wide as can get very difficult
Suggested topics:
* Open data production and reuse.
* Open software.
- description
- metadata
- seperation in using and creating open source code/software
- operating systems independent
* Open access to publications.
* Text and data mining.
* Open funding -- public access to research grant applications, decisions, and possibly public input into decisions or frameworks, access to progress reports, and access to related laws, policies, and data.
* Outreach requirements for publicly funded research, such as a public web site or blog, and offline presentations to or interactions with the public.
* Open Education Resources
- Has a place in science because if people can't understand data then not doing job because information is not getting out there.
- * Citizen Science
- Probably out of scope:
- * Open notebook science. -> making lab books public (not just data but day to day notes). No national level policies so far and unlikely to be in near future.
2. Suggest indicators for each topic:
e.g. of indicators from Open Data Index
lot of metrics from other project:
Do we want quantitative indicators? Simple red/amber/green and subjective measure could be as valuable at this stage
e.g. is the policy being talked about? Here is a link to the committee report/parliamentary transcript
Has the policy been implemented? Here is a link to the wording
Need to be careful not to be too negative - lots of countries will be all red!
* Open data production and reuse.
note: beware that not overreach the role of government: i. e. dataportal offered by state or created by scientific community => would go
- Need to decide what we expect to see at a national level and be realistic
* Public policies
* OD initiative
Following not discussed - to return to in the New Year:
3. Set-up milestones
* Definition of scope topics
* Definition of indicators
* etc.
Meeting notes: