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Introduction_to_Text_and_Data_Mining Welcome to Etherpad!

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This etherpad has been created to help you to get the most of this  session; to start and share the conversation before the festival, to  document it during the festival and to spread the word about the  outcomes after OKFestival. We've provided a template which we hope will help you to get started,  but please feel free to change it to better suit your needs.

Facilitators,  please ensure you have arranged for someone to take notes during your  session. We encourage you to make the most of the etherpad. Use it to  share documents/ resources/links before the event, to take note of the  work done during the session, and to follow up with plans for the next  steps afterward the session and after the festival.


## Facilitator Contact Details

## Introduction to Text and Data Mining (TDM): Technical and Legal Considerations;&sidebar=yes&bg=no#.U8ZrmqiT6Jk

## session hashtag: #tdm

## Participants: pre-event, to get in touch with each other (feel free to add your Twitter handle)

## Agenda + pre-festival materials, resources, instructions

## Participants - name, contact (if you want to leave it), number of attendees
Daniel Mietchen @EvoMRI
Warren Ali @letsdelve
Jenny Molloy @jenny_molloy @okfnscience
Guillaume Kroll @guillaume_kroll Can you share a copy of the ppt to thanks!

## Notes from the session
    (1) Who are you?
    (2) Have you wanted to - or actually done - text and/or data mining?
    (3) Do you have any experience with TDM laws, policies, copyright?
    (4) What relevant skills do you have?
    Peter Murray-Rust presents on content mining and applications.
    Puneet Kishor presents on legal situation of TDM

   Links and references:
Study on the legal framework of text and data mining (TDM) March 2014
Analysis of UK/EU Law on Data Mining in Higher Education Institutions
Open Content Mining

QUESTIONS (Have you thought of any questions after the session? Add below and the session organisers will try to 


Fringe event on Friday:
## What did you learn and/or make?

## How/what could you teach others?