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HOpen Science Workshop at 32C3
As last year we would like to run a short Open Sciecen Workshop at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg ( ). The 32C3 takes place starting from the 2015-12-27 to the 2015-12-30.
The work shop will be in English.
- 2nd day - December 28th, 2015, 14:00 - 17:00
32C3 Wiki page:
- Introduction
- Getting to know each other
- What is open science? The different parts of the scientific workflow and how to open them up
- Open Access / Open Culture / OER / Open Data / ...
- also: fears/roadblocks, e.g. fear of getting scooped, privacy/security, recognition
- Open Access
- still not the norm in many disciplines
- double dipping with publishers, new business models raises the cost of knowledge to society (publicly funded research double dipped)
- online visibility as incentive to share for researchers
- cultural factors: open peer review etc (e.g. )
- Why does there have to be a (for-profit) business model at all?
- understanding if public administration should be run as a business or a service
- reputation most important to reaearchers
- alternative impact factors
- 28.12., 00:15 Methodisch inkorrekt, Saal 2
- What to do?
- publish your data
- blogging
- publish preprints
- pirate/share own pdf
- 30minute-lobbying for Open access: checklist
- Use peer review process to push open science: ask for data pubished, to make it reproduceable (zenodo, figshare etc)
- institutional change
- just dumping data won't help, there needs to be documentation as well
- C Titus Brown: On gaining tenure as an open scientist
- sharing data - even and expecially the hackiest dirtiest code - helps noticing errors; helps to reproduce results (!)
- published something cool in the open? contact us a t to showcase it on the website
- how to get rid of the impact factor: drum up new audiences for OA publications with press release, videos, blogging.. later include references to videos, blog posts, ... in grant applications
- how to fix impact factor: include open/other platforms (altmetrics, stackoverflow, ...)
- negative results vs. outreach:
- another metric: networking (e.g., conferences); goal: get scientists out of their ghettos; idea: setup a regular open science coffee meetup, science hackathons
- github for papers? several solutions being developed. discussions attached to papers: (structured + quick way of attaching comments, new results, ...)
- building platforms for science should be a big part of open science; platforms can add more metrics
- focusing visibility by reputation of peer reviewer: e.g.
- Group discussion rounds
- Open Data in Clinical research! Consequences for Scientist and "Patients". Not a Concrete trial but a general discussion. BR (nur Idee!)
- maybe also discuss possibilities of open and centralized data collection across disciplines with the privacy of patients in mind (specific project ideas from migraine and EEG research are present)
- impact and visibility: showcasing openscience best practices with statements/interviews (eg. scientists, high-profile multiplicators)
- science communication: possibilities for improved + open communication among researchers
- Group discussion on "github for open science" solution and how to get the community to use it:
- why
- get rid of the paper driven thinking for publishing scientific work
- enable reproducibility and incremental improvements by other researchers in the field
- ideas how to get there
- educate scientists to break out of the vicious (publishing) circle
- start by using open access as a second channel for publishing papers
- create a labor union (Gewerkschaft) of open access scientists to increase the pressure on funding agencies and journals
- depict and "ideal" open science world and outline all the benefits, how can the scientific community, the public, the funding agencies ... benefit from open science
- build (and use) free software to support all steps in the open science life circle (for your specific research area) and educate others to use it
- Wrap up
Participants (just join - if you like add your name)
- Konrad Förstner @konradfoerstner (local extension: 5115)
- Bernd Rupp BR
- Markus Neuschäfer @mneuschaefer mn
- André Lampe @andereLampe
- Andreas Teuber
- Simon Dückert
- Felix Lohmeier @felixlohmeier
- André Gaul @andrenarchy / @paperhive
- Matthias Redies @steinhagelvoll
- Paul Saary
- Hong Phuc @hpdang (will come a few minutes late as i have an angel shift)
- Magnus Frühling @skorpy
- Tomaž Šolc @avian2