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UX Graz Meetup Notes

Tue 02 Feb 2016 "Game Usability and Accessibility"

Herzl Weinstube
Prokopigasse 12 / Mehlplatz
8010 Graz
tel +43-316-824300

Twitter:  @uxgraz  #uxgraz


  18:00  Start

  18:30  "Game Usability Research"
         Johanna Pirker
         Graz University of Technology

  19:00  "Accessible Gaming"
         Markus Pröll

  19:30  Discussion

  21:30  End


Keith Andrews, TU Graz
Johanna Pirker, TU Graz
Markus Pröll, Xcessity
Andrei Parvu, AVL
Astrid Tarkus, evolaris
Christoph Mauerhofer, evolaris
Christian Hartinger, TU Graz
Volker Settgast, Fraunhofer Austria
Patrick Reinbacher, Anton Paar
Oskar Bechtold, Bright Solutions
Gideon Unger, game developer
Fabian Gigler, web developer

Konrad couldn't come today.

Meetup Notes

Keith: New meetup data visualization, will send out information about it
Next meeting planned for mid or end of May 2016

Johanna Pirker, Game Researcher @joeyprink
Markus Pröll

Talk #1
Game Experience Research - Johanna Pirker

Book: Jesse Schell - The Art of Game Design

Gaming is voluntary in contrast to other apps that you "must" use

Onboarding strategies for new players

different kind of games, player types and input devices

Target group: everyone

Flow moment between anxiety and boredom (balance skill/difficulty)

Gamer types: killers, explorers, achievers, socializers

Usability Testing takes place during design & development phases in Johanna's Concept / Development Process / parallel to playtesting (is it fun?)

Quality assurance / game usability / game user (experience) research

Methods: classic usability methods, playtesting, data logging, biometrics data (eye tracking, Schuhfried-method)

- large
game companies really use these!

all players can bee seen through a window by the test leader

Heuristics for video game design (Sources in Johanna's slides)

Talk #2  "Accessible Gaming"
  Markus Pröll, "Xcessity Software Solutions"

master's thesis on gaming with bci (emg = electromyographie) headgear

brain activity controls the game (world of warcraft)
gestures control the games (shooter game)

disabled people cannot be recognised as such inside a game,
social interactions and friendships are really important

Assistive Technology: e.g. mouth controlled mouse

special eye tracking solution can cost USD 12-15,000

users create their own hacked-together solutions

tobii dedicated solution  $900
tobii EyeX + Xcessity IRIS 198,00 €

#a11y @xcessity - image recognition / AR?

Xcessity Kinesic Mouse -- facial gestures control the mouse cursor
48-page PDF document
A Practical Guide to Game Accessibility

Dont call easiest level "beginner" or something even more diminutive/belittling

The Walking Dead story-based game, but has timer for choosing
your answer. The timer cannot be disabled. Once it elapses,
something bad may happen.

Anti-cheater SW disables assistive technologies

one-button input device

like Amazon Dash

There should be a level zero!

build assistive hooks into consoles rather than each game individually,
maybe require by law?


Barcamp Graz 22-24.04.2016 with Game Camp (part of appdevcamp) and UX Camp 

Linuxtage 29.-30.04.2016 - call for lectures until 13.03.

The informal notes of the meetup will be written both live and afterwards (anyone can edit) in the etherpad at: (links to this page! = in case someone saves the page or prints it out)

Future Meetups

If you would like to give a short presentation, book review, or have  
other suggestions for a future meetup, please email Keith Andrews (