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team_finland Join us in Berlin for OKFestival 2014! July 15th – 17th 2014

TEAM FINLAND delegaatiokutsu:
TEAM FINLAND Facebook-tapahtuma

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Suomen Saksan Instituutin kanssa järjestettävä tapahtuma 15.7. klo 14-17 (festariohjelma alkaa klo 18:00)

Agenda tsekkaus, ettei mennä päällekkäin / miten tehdään muistiinpanoja tms.

Jakakaa omat agendalinkit tähän

Miten varaudutaan



1. Tavoitteet osallistumiselle
2. Osallistujat
3. Matkat ja majoitukset
4. Kontaktointi
5. Sessioideat (alustavia)
6. Sessioideat joista tehdään submissio (submissiot alempana)
7. Open Knowledge Festival 2014 sponsorikutsu
8. Festivaaleilla olleiden kokemuksia

1. Tavoitteet osallistumiselle

2. Osallistujat Oletko harkinnut osallistuvasi OKfestivaliin Berliinissä (lisää nimi alle)
OKFFI:n kautta voi hakea matka-avustusta OKfestival matkoihin ja majoituksiin Avustukset on suunnattu syksyn 2013 avoimen tiedon kuntakiertueen  kaupunkiseuduille (Tampere, Turku, Mikkeli, Jyväskylä, Oulu ja Kuopio)  sekä OKFFI:n työryhmille  siten, että kultakin kaupunkiseudulta ja kustakin työryhmästä enintään  yhden henkilön matkakulut (lennot, majoitukset ja festivaalilippu - arvo  yhteensä noin 400 euroa) voidaan maksaa suoraan. Avustus voidaan jakaa  myös niin, että esim. useammalle maksetaan festivaalilippu, mutta  matkoja ja majoituksia ei makseta, mikäli tämä mahdollistaa useamman  osallistumisen. 

OKFFI:n matkatuen saajat varmat lähtijät

Omatoimisesti matkajärjestelynsä hoitavat ja kustantavat varmat lähtijät

Ei varmuutta (jos varmistunut, siirrä ylös, jos varmistunut, että ei, niin poista)

3. Festariliput, matkat ja majoitukset

Matkat, majoitukset ja konferenssiliput pyritään varaamaan keskitetysti niille, jotka saavat matkatukea OKFFI:lta, muut varaavat itse, muitta kommunikaatio on tervetullutta, niin päästään samoihin hotelleihin ja samoille lennoille.

Open Knowledge Finland maksaa matkatukea (lennot, majoituksen Berliinissä ja konferenssiliput käytettävissä olevan kokonaisbudjetin puitteissa) seuraaville henkilöille:

  1. Ilpo Okkonen / Oulu
    1. meno: German Wings 14.7. Flight no. 4U8221 - 20:25 Helsinki (HEL)  -  21:20 Berlin - Tegel (TXL) OKFFI:n varaama ja maksama
      1. Oulu - HKI väli  omat matkaliput laskuttaa OKFFI:lta***
    2. paluu: German Wings 17.7. Flight no. 4U8220 16:55 Berlin - Tegel (TXL) - 19:45 Helsinki (HEL) OKFFI:n varaama ja maksama
      1. HKI - Oulu väli  omat matkaliput laskuttaa OKFFI:lta***
    3. majoitus: AirBnb OKFFI:n piikkiin
    4. festarilippu: ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 23.6.
  2. Jaakko Korhonen / Open Government Data
    1. meno: omat matkaliput - laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*
    2. paluu: omat matkaliput - laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*
    3. majoitus: AirBnB - Tuplasänky ja yksi huone ok.
    4. festarilippu: ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 8.5.
  3. Jukka Aaltonen / Lappi
    1. meno: German Wings 14.7. Flight no. 4U8221 - 20:25 Helsinki (HEL)  -  21:20 Berlin - Tegel (TXL) OKFFI:n varaama ja maksama
      1. Rovaniemi-HKI  väli  omalla autolla (n.100€)  laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*** 
    2. paluu: lentää takaisin omine aikatauluineen Berliinistä 18.7 klo 15.50, lippu ostettu Berlin-HKI 178 €, laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*** ja paluu kotiin Helsingistä Rovaniemelle omalla autolla n. 100 €
    3. majoitus: AirBnb OKFFI:n piikkiin ja 17.7 - 18.7 hotelli (ilmeisesti omaan piikkiin)
    4. festarilippu: ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 8.5. 
  4. Laura Sillanpää / Open GLAM
    1. meno: 10.7. klo 18:40 HEL - 19:35 (TXL) AB 8313
    2. paluu: 17.7. klo 21.25 (TXL) - 00:20 (HEL) AB 8310, Air Berlinillä
    3. majoitus: Grand City Hotel Berlin Mitte  ma 14. heinä 2014 - to 17. heinä 2014 (115€ 3 yötä) Laura varasi OKFFI maksoi kulukorvauksen
    4. festarilippu: ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 8.5. 
  5. Jussi Nissilä / Open Science
    1. meno: 14.7. klo 18:40 HEL - 19:35 (TXL) AB 8313 OKFFI:n varaama ja maksama
    2. paluu: 17.7. klo 21.25 (TXL) - 00:20 (HEL) AB 8310 OKFFI:n varaama ja maksama
    3. majoitus: AirBnb OKFFI:n piikkiin
    4. festarilippu:  ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 8.5. 
  6. Antti Poikola / My Data
    1. meno: Varasin yhdensuuntaisen menolennon German Wings 14.7. Flight no. 4U8221 - 20:25 Helsinki (HEL)  -  21:20 Berlin - Tegel (TXL)
    2. paluu: itseseen fillarilla
    3. majoitus: Grand City Hotel Berlin Mitte  ma 14. heinä 2014 - pe 18. heinä 2014
    4. festarilippu: ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 8.5
  7. Heikki Kurhinen / Mikkeli
    1. meno: German Wings 14.7. Flight no. 4U8221 - 20:25 Helsinki (HEL)  -  21:20 Berlin - Tegel (TXL) OKFFI:n varaama ja maksama
      1. Mikkeli - HKI väli  omat matkaliput laskuttaa OKFFI:lta***
    2. paluu:  German Wings 17.7. Flight no. 4U8220 16:55 Berlin - Tegel (TXL) - 19:45 Helsinki (HEL) OKFFI:n varaama ja maksama
      1. HKI - Mikkeli väli  omat matkaliput laskuttaa OKFFI:lta***
    3. majoitus: AirBnb OKFFI:n piikkiin
    4. festarilippu: ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 8.5. (lippu Joonas Pekkasen nimellä, pitää muuttaa)
  8. Markus Petteri Laine / Core
    1. meno: German Wings 14.7. Flight no. 4U8221 - 20:25 Helsinki (HEL)  -  21:20 Berlin - Tegel (TXL) OKFFI:n varaama ja maksama
    2. paluu: omat matkaliput - laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*
    3. majoitus: AirBnb OKFFI:n piikkiin
    4. festarilippu: ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 8.5.
  9. Jon Sundell / Core
    1. meno: omat matkaliput laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*
    2. paluu: omat matkaliput laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*
    3. majoitus: oma majoitus
    4. festarilippu: ostettu OKFFI:n piikkiin 8.5. 
  10. Joonas Pekkanen / Open Democracy 
    1. meno on 14.7. air berlin 18:40 -  laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*
    2. paluu 18.7. 15:00 lennolla -  laskuttaa OKFFI:lta*
    3. majoitus: oma majoitus
    4. festarilippu: ehdin ostaa earlybird-hintaisen 120€ festarilipun omalle kortille  -  laskuttaa OKFFI:lta**

*  itse maksettujen Helsingistä lähtevien matkojen (lennot / lautat) kulut korvataan sähköisellä kulukorvauslomakkeella kuitteja vastaan enintään 200 euroon saakka (meno-paluu ja yksisuuntainen 100€ saakka) ja kululasku oltava sisällä ennen juhannusta

** itse maksettujen festarilippujen kulut korvataan sähköisellä kulukorvauslomakkeella kuitteja vastaan enintään 150 euroon saakka ja kululasku oltava sisällä ennen juhannusta

*** kauempaa kuin Helsingistä matkustavien tulee hyväksyttää meilitse/puhelimitse/fb-chatissa tms. ( 0443375439) matkan kustannukset etukäteen, eli ei tiukkaa ylärajaa, mutta piikki ei myöskään ole täysin avoin.

*** Laura, joka varaa hotellin itselleen tulee hyväksyttää meilitse/puhelimitse/fb-chatissa tms.  ( 0443375439) majoituksen kustannukset etukäteen, eli ei tiukkaa ylärajaa, mutta piikki ei myöskään ole täysin avoin.


Edullisin tarjous +/-päivän meno-paluu joustolla - Air Berlin 109,27euroa

Kartta varattuihin majoituksiin yms. (saa muokata)

Pyritään varaamaan majoitukset läheltä konferenssipaikkaa
Schönhauser Allee 36
10435 Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg

Majoitus varattu alustavasti maksoin 7 hlöä (12.5. by Jogi)
      Jul 14 - 17, 2014          
      Check in time: after 4:00 PM
      Check out time: before 11:00 AM     
Hinta: MA klo. 16:00 - PE klo 11:00 = 189€x4+ hlökerroin +20€x8x40640€+ siivousmaksu 90€= 1486€ + vakuus 200€ = 1686€ 

4. Kontaktointi

5. Sessioideat (alustavia)
Tässä vaiheessa kaikki idea- ja name dropping on tervetullutta

6. Sessioideat joista tehdään submissio (submissiot alempana saman numeroinnin mukaisesti)
  1. Open Cities case Helsinki (Hanna) ei mennyt läpi
  2. CitySDK developer workshop (Hanna) Ei mennyt läpi
  3. Two minute highlight from Finland (Jogi) -- line 51
  4. My Data arkkitehtuuri (Kai / My Data -työryhmä) -- line 285 ei mennyt läpi
  5. Decisions API (Petteri) - (OpenCivicData & NDI partners) - Line 295
  6. D-CENT panel discussion (Joonas)
  7. Towards Better Theoretical Understanding of Open Knowledge (Jussi) ei mennyt läpi
  8. Government Open source and open data product management (Jaakko)

Kenraaliharjoitukset Kulmahuoneella Helsingissä ennen kevätjuhlia. Doodle-kysely sopivasta ajankohdasta 1.4.2014. Lyödään kaksikärpästä yhdellä iskulla: Saat vertaispalautetta sekä muut pääsevät kärryille agendastasi, jotta osaavat ohjata ihmisiä puheillesi itse tapahtumassa.

Sessiokuvaukset - allaolevan formaatin mukaan

Proposal 1

First Name*: Hanna
Last Name*: 
E-mail Address*: 
Twitter account: 
Blog/ Personal Website: 
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here
Session Title*: Open Cities case Helsinki

Session description* Max 1000 characters

Session motivation*  

Session outcomes*

How would the session be structured?* 

How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?*

Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*:

Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?:

Will your session involve physical movement?*:

If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?:

Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning:


Proposal 2

First Name*: Hanna
Last Name*: 
E-mail Address*: 
Twitter account: 
Blog/ Personal Website: 
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here
Stream*: tools
Session Title*: CitySDK APIs Boosting Civic App Development  (Tää kuvaus ei ole ihan lopullinen, muokkasin vielä syöttövaiheessa ja unohdin napsia ne tänne talteen)

Session description* 
Come and learn how by offering uniform APIs cities are able to attract developers to use their skills to develop useful and better services for citizens. Especially, you can experience how the CitySDK APIs are helping developers to develop scalable apps for tourism, mobility and citizen participation.

Parallel groups: 
1. Issue reporting API has a lot to offer as a two-way channel between the city and the citizens. City of Helsinki launched their Open311 based issue reporting API in early 2013 and now European cities like Amsterdam, Lisbon and Lamia have implemented this API as well
2. Crash course on the usage of the CitySDK mobility API. How do you get unified access to the thousands of different geo and mobility datasets of European cities? The CitySDK mobility API collects, describes and links data from any source and gives easy unified access, with JSON and RDF. 
3. Would you like to create a touristic app that can automatically use Open Data from different cities? CitySDK Tourism API and the main features that your apps may benefit from it are introduces. The CitySDK Tourism API enables you with an unified access to thousands of high value data sets related with Tourism.

Session motivation*  Getting civic app developers hands on with the CitySDK APIs

Session outcomes* Shared understanding of the value of harmonized Smart City APIs and new change agents driving harmonisation efforts in their cities - maybe even new app concepts

How would the session be structured?* Hosted as a workshop, Short intro to the approach, then hands on work in small groups around the different APIs

How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?* Knowledge informs change: CitySDK APIs provide not only data to build knowledge upon, but they are about cities sharing knowledge and best practices. 
Tools enable change: CitySDK APIs are a tool for change in making cities more open and the local change scalable. 
Society effects change: In the Smart City context, CitySDK APis recognise the importance of cities as enablers of open society.

Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*: Yes

Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?: No

Will your session involve physical movement?*: No except for forming the groups

If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?:

Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning: 


Proposal 3 -- line 51


Proposal 4 -- line 285

Session Proposal made by Kai Kuikkaniemi under tittle - My Data Principles


Proposal 5

First Name*: Markus Petteri
Last Name*: Laine
E-mail Address*:
Organisation: Open Knowledge Foundation Finland
Twitter account: Patteri77 
Blog/ Personal Website: 
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here
Antti "Jogi" Poikola,
James McKinney
Andrew Stott andrew [dot] stott [at] dirdigeng [dot] com 
Markus Petteri Laine,
K. Scott Hubli, NDI, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs,
Jaakko Korhonen,,
Session Title*: Decisions API

Session description* Max 1000 characters

Global meeting of the key developers of Democracy Monitoring API's. The session aims at 
A) Survey of the Document Management Systems used for global public governance in order to understand better the information systems context we are working with
B) Working out and agreeing upon a global Decisions Data standard framework or choosing not to build a common standard, 
C) Drafting a roadmap for global proliferation of public governance decissions making API's.

Session motivation*  

Relevant search specific local Decisions data takes a lot of time and effort to find from the varying forms of non-machine readable documents. Even the decision makers themselves do not have a clear understanding of the causal relations leading to current Decision making agenda. The lack of shared memory in governance leads to frustration and repetitive work. In order for the democratic process to work, a democracy needs an enlightened electorate who can make fact based voting decisions. If the civil servants, journalists and media can not follow up on the chain of events leading to a public decision - no enlightened electorate can exist - if the electorate is not aware of the political development, the criteria of modern democracy is not met. Open Decisions session aims at bringing together global Decisions making API developers and users to troubleshoot and build common understanding of the developing information ecosystem enabling the development of second generation democracy monitoring applications.

Session outcomes*

A) Mapping the global public governance Document Management Systems in order to understand better the context we are participating in. 
B) Working out and agreeing upon a global Decisions Data standard framework or choosing not to build a common standard.
C) Drafting a roadmap for Global proliferation
D) Recognizing use cases and maturity levels for different API's

How would the session be structured?* 

* Short 5 min introductions of the current status by OKFFI, NDI and OpenCIvicData representatives
* Division to co-writing working groups A, B, and C.
* Delivery presentations 5 min each group + 5 min Q&A
* Wrap up and follow up procedure for year 2014

How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?*

When launched the Open Decisions API alignement opens a whole variety of possibilities for new application developers who wish to utilize the decisions data.

Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*:

The session is appropriate for younger audiences, but it might prove to be quite advanced and hard to follow. 

Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?:

Will your session involve physical movement?*:

    Forming working groups.

If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?:

The session organizers would like to request a suitable venue for the event.

Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning:

We need a big screen and three table groups.


Proposal 6

First Name*: Joonas
Last Name*: Pekkanen
E-mail Address*:
Organisation: Forum Virium Helsinki / Open Ministry / OKFFI
Twitter account: @joonaspekkanen
Blog/ Personal Website: 
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here: Francesca Bria, 
Stream*: Society
Session Title*: 

Session description* Max 1000 characters

Session motivation*  

Session outcomes*

How would the session be structured?* 

How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?*

Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*:

Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?:

Will your session involve physical movement?*:

If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?:

Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning:

STATUS: Proposal NOT accepted

Proposal 7

irst Name*: Jussi
Last Name*: Nissilä
E-mail Address*:
Organisation: Open Knowledge Finland 
Twitter account: @jusnis
Blog/ Personal Website:
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here: Looking for co-hosts for the session, please contact Jussi if you are interested!
Stream*: Society (because the session is in effect about bringing people together to affect change; could also be in “Knowledge”)
Session Title*: Towards Better Theoretical Understanding of Open Knowledge OR Open Knowledge Theory Alliance Kickoff Meeting
Session description* Max 1000 characters
The session kicks off the interdisciplinary Open Knowledge Theory Alliance, which connects theory-oriented practitioners and academics from various disciplines ranging from political science and philosophy to humanities and development studies. During the session we will create a roadmap for better theoretical understanding of open knowledge and a foundation for future collaboration, including a) identifying disciplines and research groups we must connect, b) planning common resources for sharing information from theories to publications and c) discussing new research that will change the way we understand open knowledge. We welcome all participants eager to understand open knowledge, its nature and application by scientific means. 
Session motivation* 
Why are you passionate about facilitating this topic?
I am passionate to organise the session because I believe we must understand better what open knowledge is about, and I trust academic knowledge and methods help us to do that. With the Finnish Institute in London and Open Knowledge Foundation, we published the Open Book a few years back. The book was a collection of insights from various researchers and activists  emphasising the practise of open knowledge. Now I believe is the time to synthesize what we really know about the phenomenon and to link this knowledge to the existing academic discourse, in order to learn more and to get the many new researchers involved in studying and working with open knowledge.
There are many academics and theoretically-oriented practitioners in the open knowledge community and many of them already study open knowledge as a phenomenon from a certain perspective. However, these people do not necessarily know what the others are doing, what sort of theories and methods they use to study the subject, or what existing publications or other information there is. The situation is worse when considering open knowledge across domains or topics and when considering the study of the open knowledge phenomenon across academic disciplines. I believe increased linkages between people and interdisciplinary dialogue will bring both personal benefits in terms of increased capabilities to do research and better understanding of the open knowledge phenomenon overall. Better understanding would hopefully also lead to increased importance of open knowledge in various sectors of the society. 
Session outcomes*
What will your session allow people to make, learn or do?
In essence, the session builds intellectual capital, which allows individuals and groups to do better research. The session aims for the following concrete outcomes: (1) identifying and connecting academic and theory-oriented practitioners for longs-term communication and collaboration, (2) planning an online resource (such as wiki) for collecting and sharing information related to theoretical understanding of open knowledge (disciplines, theories, publications, research groups etc), (3) planning of a publication featuring novel research on open knowledge and its theoretical foundations. Within the limited timeframe, we’ll discuss the issues through and build a roadmap for future collaboration, possibly continuing planning in informal sessions. 
How would the session be structured?* 
Format, interactivity, unique details. Find some tips at
The draft structure of the session is: a) short introduction to the session and its purpose by the session host(s), b) general discussion among the participants of the benefits of theoretical understanding and of the session goals, c) Workshopping the session outcomes, perhaps in groups or all together (depending of the time and the number of participants, possibly using the “world café” facilitation method or similar). 
Requested time slot: 60mins; additional sessions may be organised adhoc during the festival for in-detail planning
Organising the session is essential for the people to meet and in order to build a shared vision. The actual short-term outcomes are built gradually, so the planning work will be commenced online even before OKFestival 2014. The existing research networks (such as “Open Data Research Network”) and online communities (the newly established “Open Knowledge Theory Alliance” Google Community are used for this purpose. 
How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?* 
Please find details about the festival's narrative at
The session is all about bringing minds to action, engaging academics and theory-oriented practitioners to collaborate and to work together towards the better understanding of the open knowledge phenomenon. The long-term plan is to identify and develop theories on open knowledge and its application beyond the Theory of Change. During the session the participants will jointly create a roadmap for building research-based theoretical understanding of open knowledge and therefore build a foundation that will last much longer than the actual session or the festival itself. We welcome all participants who feel that are interested of the academic perspective to open knowledge and aim particularly in mixing different people who study open knowledge from a different perspectives or disciplines therefore promoting inclusivity and diversity very concretely. 
Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*: Appropriate – yes. Interesting – maybe not. 
Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?: English
Will your session involve physical movement?*: No
If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?: n/a
Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning: 
The session is submitted to the Society track, as the overall aim is essentially to engage the academic world to interact with the open knowledge community. This interaction will produce new knowledge about open knowledge, so the session could also be part of the Knowledge track, but in this case the knowledge is meta knowledge. Please contact the session host if you want to discuss the issue of the right track further. 


Proposal 8

First Name*: Jaakko
Last Name*: Korhonen
E-mail Address*:
Organisation: Open Knowledge Finland
Twitter account: @jaakkokorhonen
Blog/ Personal Website:
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here
Session Title*: Government Open source and open data product management

Session description* Max 1000 characters
Finnish municipalities, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Education wtih VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland have conseptualized a product management consept to make open source product offering comparative to commercially developed products. The main reasons for this are to avoid vendor lock-in and interoperability between organisational information systems.

Session motivation*  
We want to reflect the concept and see if there is room for inter-european co-operation and shared effort.

Session outcomes*
Session material and reusable product management concept with comments on how to make consept operable in multi-national environment.

How would the session be structured?* 
There will be a 12-18 minute intro and then a group session, depending on the number of participators.

How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?*
We want to make an ICT environment for governmental bodies that is interoperable with technologies that are free of vendor lock-in and security backdoors.

Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*:

Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?:
English is fine.

Will your session involve physical movement?*:
If small enough group.

If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?:
Movement will be for those who participate.

Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning:
I would not mind to having my slides proofread by a native English speaker couple of weeks before the event.


Proposal 9

First Name*: Jaakko
Last Name*: Korhonen
E-mail Address*:
Organisation: Open Knowledge Finland
Twitter account: @jaakkokorhonen
Blog/ Personal Website:
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here
Session Title*: Open Democracy Census: How to perpetuate e-participation in Europe?

Session description* Max 1000 characters
There has been three generations of participation apps in Finland. Starting from bidirectional communication in 2001 to migrating into d-cent and other decentralized platforms. It is time for a multinational census on Democracy Apps and the maturity of participation in different countries. This is the launch event for International Democracy Apps Census.

Session motivation*
We want to reflect the concept and see if there was room for inter-european co-operation or shared effort.

Session outcomes* or similar will be launched.

How would the session be structured?*
There will be a 5-8 minute intro and then a group session, depending on the number of participators. Country managers and coordinators Christian Villum's or Zara Rahman's participation is requested.

How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?*

We  want to empower local chapters and create transparency for them to network thematically on the things they can leverage from each others maturity levels.

Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*:


Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?:
English is fine.

Will your session involve physical movement?*:
If small enough group.

If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?:
Movement will be for those who participate.

Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning:
I would not mind to have the slides proofread by a native English speaker couple of weeks before the event. Laura James and/or Christian Villum would be very welcome to join.


Proposal 10

Case OKF-FI    Datajalostajat-ryhmän dataoperaattoristooria voi kertoa laajemminkin.  (Jaakko)
First Name*: Jaakko
Last Name*: Korhonen
E-mail Address*:
Organisation: Open Knowledge Finland
Twitter account: @jaakkokorhonen
Blog/ Personal Website:
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here
Session Title*: Geocoder API - How to enrich and refine open data communally? How to outsource refining governamental base regitries' data to public domain for commercial purposes, or to enable local business?

Session description* Max 1000 characters
Map-related data has been opened logally and nationally along the years, but there is a challenge that sources are fragmented and less interoperable then what they should be for commercial use. A group of open data reusers got together and applied for Datademo-funding

There is also a data refiner companies' thematic working group in the Finnish Chapter.

Code in Github:
Code deployed:

Session motivation*  
We want to reflect the data refining consept and funding models we have created, as well as talk about data coaching consept where experienced developers coach younger volunteer enthusiasts to bring new value to the ecosystem.

Session outcomes*
Sharing of places API as a consept for refining data outside Finland.

How would the session be structured?* 
There will be a 5-8 minute intro and then a group session, depending on the number of participators. Map data refining developers should join to share their experience.

How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?*
We  want to empower  local chapers and create transparency for them to network thematically  on the things they can leverage from each others' maturity levels.

Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*:

Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?:
English is fine.

Will your session involve physical movement?*:
If small enough group.

If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?:
Movement will be for those who participate.

Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning:
I would not mind to have the slides proofread by a native English speaker couple of weeks before the event. There could be a hack session in case other chapters have landed on similar data.


Proposal 11

First Name*: Tero
Last Name*: Piirainen
E-mail Address*:
Organisation:  University of Tampere, Finland
Twitter account: 
Blog/ Personal Website:
If your session will be co-facilitated with others, please note their names here: 
Jyrki Nummenmaa, University of Tampere
Matti Saastamoinen, Open Data Tampere Region
Stream*:  Knowledge
Session Title*:  Open Transport and Traffic Data Research
Session description* 
Transport and traffic data are some of the most relevant fields of open data for the citizens, but also for researchers. The research on open transport and traffic data may focus on big data, suitable for large-scale statistical analysis, or small-scale datasets, from which researchers can extract relevant facts. Some datasets provide a look at past, while others provide live information, for example, on congestion or currently available public transport services. This session discusses the following topics:
* What is the value of open data for researchers?
* What are most interesting transport and traffic datasets for researchers? What datasets are we missing?
* Which cities are the pioneers in opening up the transport and traffic data, and what could be learned from those cases?
* How open data can be utilized in big data research (e.g. data collection, data analysis, using big data in decision-making)?
* What is the potential impact of the open transport and traffic data research on society?
Session motivation*  
* Seeking to develop wider partnerships over open (transport and traffic) data researchers
Session outcomes*
* Exchange of ideas and new connections between researcher and research organizations.
How would the session be structured?* 
* Short introductions of the current research activities (5 min each)
* Identification of the common interests & forming short working groups
* Group sessions: challenges, opportunities, action proposals
* Presentations 5 min each group + 5 min Q&A
* Wrap up and follow up procedure for year 2014
How does your session contribute to OKFestival’s narrative and aims?*
We  connect researchers and research organisations .
Is this session appropriate and interesting for a younger audience (under 18)?*:
Would you prefer to facilitate your session in a language other than English? If so, what language?:
Will your session involve physical movement?*:
If so, how will you ensure that people with all levels of physical ability are able to participate?:
Please indicate if you'd like support from the staff in planning: 

7. Open Knowledge Festival 2014 sponsori kutsu

Lähestymme teitä kirjeitse, sillä organisaationne sponsoroi erittäin onnistunutta Helsingin Open Knowledge Festival 2012 -tapahtumaa. Avoimen tiedon festivaali järjestetään parillisina vuosina. Tänä vuonna Suomen avoimen tiedon delegaatio matkaa Berliinin Open Knowledge Festival 2014 tapahtumaan heinäkuussa 15.-17.72014. Haluatteko lähteä mukaan viemään Helsingin hengen festivaalisoihtua Saksaan? 

Etsimme yhteistyökumppaneita, jotka isännöivät kanssamme päiväkahvitapahtuman festivaalialueella sekä ilta cocktail-tapahtuman Suomen suurlähetystössä. Haluamme tarjota tyylikkään puitteen maailman johtavien asiantuntijoiden epävirrallisille keskusteluille. Pyrimme esittelemään tukijoitamme kiinnostavien yhteistyökumppaneiden puheille sekä fasilitoimaan tyylikkään näkyvyyden pienissä satelliittitapahtumissamme.

Sponsorit näkyvät Suomen delegaation matkajärjestelyviestinnässä, sekä päivä- ja ilta tilaisuuksissa. Sponsorina tuet kotimaisen avoimen tiedon kentän ruohonjuuritoimijoiden verkottumista kansainväliseen yhteisöön. Epävirallisten keskusteluiden fasilitoinnin lisäksi Suomalaiset asiantuntijat osallistuvat festivaaliohjelman tuotantoon mm. seuraavien aiheiden tiimoilta:

* Festival Opening Statement : Greetings since Helsinki
* My Data Infrastructure
* Open Cities - case Helsinki 
* CitySDK APIs Boosting Civic App Development 
* Open Decisions API  - Global Standartization
* Government Open Source and Open Data Product Management
* Open Democracy Census: How to perpetuate e-participation in Europe?

Team Finland sponsorointi onnistuu helposti. Voit joko lähteä itse mukaan lämmittämään sidosryhmääsi tai vaihtoehtoisesti antaa logosi puhua puolestasi heinäkuun helteessä. Yhteistyökumppanin premium sponsorisopimus maksaa 5000 euroa sisältäen matkat ja majoitukset. Perussponsori paketti a 2000 euroa sisältää logonäkyvyyden tapahtumissa sekä matkajärjestelyviestinnässä. Kerätyt varat käytetään satelliittitilaisuuksien tuotantokustannuksiin. Sponsoreiden erityistoiveet pyritään toteuttamaan tapahtuman hengessä.

Ota yhteyttä reippaaseen ryhmäämme!

8. Festivaaleilla olleiden kokemuksia


