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openproducts thu7mOpen Product Data Tech Team

Please indicate your name, email address (or other contact method such as twitter etc) and your interests and skills.

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Roberto Canini -
I'm a Java developer. I can develop for Java Web Application, Java software and Android apps. 
I was thinking about a mobile application to exploit the Open Product Data project. 
An app to evolve the project itself using all people inserting data from Android app, while using it to exploit 
the archive for personal domestic use.

Philippe Plagnol - / @philippeplagnol
I would like to share what I learned on the POD project and work with the open data community to build this worldwide product repository
tech: php

Rufus Pollock - / @rufuspollock
Happy to help with scraping or anything else. I know python and javascript and have quite a bit of experience data wrangling

theo m. scholl 
Open Data Advisor
 Theo at gmail dot com 
Good at:
=:Tinkering with data, conceptual thinking "what can we do with it"
= Getting people to help us 

What are my skills:
= Old skool rdbms programmer (Progress /Openedge)
= Speak, write and read fluent Dutch, German and English

Feng Gao - | skype: fenggaosh
I'm interested in getting this project into China. Will be happy to help scrape data (I use python). 

Sandeep Patil - | @SanP31415
All data wrangling, structuring etc. Decent Python skills, beginner Javascript
Statistical analysis (R) + SQL database background
I am happy to help with anything that suits my skill levels

Julius Chrobak - / @julochrobak
Datamanagement, database expert, software ingeneer, happy to take care of the database side.
Also happy to provide server to host the master copy of the data and expose a flexible query API for anyone interested in buidling apps.

 - | Google: | @leksa
A Front End Developer. I have interest in open data and how it's visualized to public. 
Currently work in new media platform in Indonesia, the hybrid of old school journalism and data driven journalism.
Fluent in Web Design-HTML5/CSS3. Learner of javascript, mongo. Love to playing with scrapping (php, python, nodejs).

Aakash Gautam 
aakash58 at gmail dot com
Java programming, Beginner in Python scraping and Node.js
Statistical analysis (using R) and SQL database 

Donald McLean
dmclean62 at gmail dot com
Java and/or Scala programmer
Happy to help with scraping.

Nicolas PIeuchot - nls dot pct at gmail dot com | @nicolaspieuchot
Python programmer

Fabrice Theytaz - fabrice [dot] theytaz [at] 
Big fan of Open-Source (Soft AND Data) I'm happy if I can help... 
Skills: Decent PHP, HTML/CSS/JS, Beginner Java (Android), JS (Node) 
Speak french and a little poor english 