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The OKF Finland Working Group Day (Tue 19th of March)

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- Open Design - meeting notes


          interaction design- researcher
           avoinGLAM- open museums
           Aalto University- Department of Media


Open   design definition include methods and not only sharing results.   Transparency in the production circle. The dicussion takes place in an   international mailing list. This is an aspect we could contribute. 

Open Design in GitHub:

OKF Open Design:

Ideas for activities for OKF Finland Open Design Working Group:

• Promote and realise collaborative work processes
* Omakotitalon, keittiön tai kesämökin CAD-piirrustukset / Architectural drawings of houses, kitchen and summer cottages
* Web Design -materiaali / Web design material
* Yle Areenan materiaalien uudelleenkäyttö / Public Broadcasting Companies (YLE Areena) material re-use
* Markdown julkaiseminen (presentaatiot, bloggaaminen, kirjat) / Markdown publishing ( presentations, blogs, books )
* CC-lisensoidut HTML5 mobiilisovellukset / CC licensed HTML5 mobile applications
* Julkisten rakennusprojektin suunnittelun ja toteuttamisen avaaminen / Public construction project planning and implementation
* Tyylikkäät Powerpoint-esitykset ja kuvituskuvat / Stylish Powerpoint presentations and visualizations ....?
* kalastajille vieheiden piirrustukset ja keino tulostaa 3D:nä /  (fishing jigs and a method for 3D-printing them)
* Ruokareseptit / Food recipies?
* Vaate- ja neulekuosit / clothing & textile patterns
* Open Hardware co-design alustat / Open Hardware co-design/co-creation platforms
* Lumia 820 3D-tulostetut kuoret / Lumia 820 3D printed covers
* Sharepoint web partit ja page templatet / Sharepoint web parts and page templates
* Nano Quadcopter / the same :)

Methods, approaches & processes:

Why this is important? Material for Agenda/Manifesto 
(roundtable discussion)
- Methods of using open knowledge to enable new forms of collaboration / organisation
-* Potential for developing global justice vs. risk of totalitarian rule like never experienced before 
- Freeing creativity
- Society based on cooperation rather than competition
-  Closing the gap between designers (who think of the whole, have wider  scope of issues to consider) and engineers (who focus on concrete  specific topics, problems to solve. "if it works, it does not need to be  pretty")
-  what are the challenges of being open, how to contextualize open  design? how the open design community looks at regional contexts and  material use? 
-   DIY aspect of utilizing commonly available design components for   personal use > oppose mass production, foster small scale / local   production
- heritage aspect of fostering design solutions that can be the basis of new invention > sustainable solutions
-   Everyone in the global north and south should have the possibility to   express themselves, evolve, share, collaborate and create - and most   importantly increase global welbeing and solve wicked problems. We as   designers and representatives of other disciplines have the   responsibility to push openness forward but also actively foster open   and collaborative design practices and share knowledge and tools that   enable and empower people to have an impact in the world.
The   challenge is to answer the questions of defining the roles of  different  stakeholders in different stages of the design process and  how to  structure the design process despite the ideal of openness.  (Nuppu)
-opportunity to bring inclusion and accessibility issues not only about material things but also practices
- to widen the "window of viability", see diagram
- expanding the design space 
-moving from DIY to DIWO (do it with others)  or DIT  (do it together) 
-  link to the article mentioned by Sanna:
- name of the group: Open Design and Hardware?

- For further discussion: email list + FB Group
- Helsinki Design Week
      - Let's do something? To bridge the communication gap between  designers  working with physical material (textiles, furniture) and  digital media
    - Let's figure out what is/are the gap(s)?
- Architectural drawings of houses, kitchen and summer cottages

 *Thinker doer interviews and inspiring cases on web video
 * Open Genre framework

Platforms that exist already:
* Hackerspaces:
* Fab Labs:
* MIT media lab open source: 

Platforms that exist already in Finland:   
* Aalto Media Lab
* Aalto Media Factory
* Aalto Service Factory
* Aalto Art Department
* Pixelache
* Demos Helsinki
* Forum Virium
* Prototype Helsinki

Platforms coming soon: 
Kaupunkiverstas @lasipalatsi

Coming later:

- open design... building resilience, shared innovation...

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