This is a read only archive of See the
shutdown announcement
for details.
Our mailing list:
- 1. Members OK Lab Paderborn
- 3. Steckbriefe
- 4. Infrastructure
- 5. Meeting notes
- 6. Input-Sessions & Workshops
1. Members OK Lab Paderborn:
Please enter the name and email, preferably by first name sorted
Arjun Ramaswami (
Arndt Heuvel(arndot) (Mail: Jabber:
Frederik Bäumer (
Harald Linden (
Hendrik K (
Henrik Hüttemann (
Jan Lippert (
Michael W (
Nisha Naique (
2. Ideas
2.1) Paderborn published a lot of data, but only not machine-readable. Therefore, the first project to get put as many of these machine-readable data available.
2.1.1) or to transfer this data by Crawler programming, information extraction, etc. in machine-readable formats
2.2) Examine and discuss with the rest of the active student council, whether the opening times of the pizza delivery services can be Open Data and its coversion in Open Data
2.3). Completion and possible correction of the openstreetmap data Paderborn.
2.4). A Uni-Navigator (as I come from space X to Y without having to breathe fresh air, or without having to use stairs).
- One probably can be the time to ask ...:
- "Second place in the amount of 250 euros reached the app" UPB Navigator ". The winning team, consisting of Tobias Wybranietz, Oliver Fuchs Berger, Sebastian Rittner and Daniel Schencke (students from computer science), the challenging task of a navigation set on campus and to realize within the university buildings. prototype finds, inter alia, covered or barrier-free paths and is thus particularly suitable for newcomers or guests of the University a helpful companion. " (
- Unfortunatelly this article is the only source of information about the UPB-Navigator. Neither source nor the actual app could be found. A question regarding this was sent to one of the devs on 31.05.2014
2.5) Where are most dangerous places for bikers and for pedestrians? We could support
2.6) A (freifunk-pb) car (or "stuff" sharing) community
2.7) A sensor network supported by freifunk routers (further infos will be added later)
2.8) There are some data sets online in NRW: (investigate the given slides)
2.8.1) Some links with data:
2.9) A report system. Users can report different types of tickets
* broken street lanterns
* street damages, overgrown paths
* illegally dumped trash
* overful containers and trash bins
* wrong, misguiding, damaged, deprecatexd street signs
* play grounds (broken, dirty, full of beer)
* requesting enhancements, e.g. a pedestrian pass way at dangerous places or add some benches
* broken traffic signals (e.g. broken audio add traffic lights)
Those tickets can be visualized on a map and - depending on how long these tickets are open - in a different color. With that system the civics would be enabled to track the progress on the damage reports they make. This system could be gamified to further motivate the user.
The city employees can "close" tickets or add notes to them.
2.9.2) The city council has some contact forms online but not all requests I (ljan) made were answered. This could either be by technical failure (dropped mails), by request "overload" or by ignoring the requests. A "public request system" could be useful, i.e. something like but for city councils.
2.10) Better tourist/exchange student info. Perhaps can be combined with 2.3?
* If you're somewhere you can ask the app what this is (e.g. dom) etc
2.11) Create a reliable way to use recorded videos correleted to gsm data in JOSM. There is plugin which does not work very well
2.12) Möglichst viele Leute sollen Material sammeln (Videos, Fotos mit Koordinaten). Wer Zeit hat, mappt :)
3. Steckbriefe
* Informatik Master
Skills: Web Technologies, Python, ..
* Management Information Systems Master
Skills: Java, PHP, MySQL, VELOCITY
Studies & Research focus: Semantic information processing in particular information extraction and information retrieval
* Informatik Master
* Skills: Java, Android, C, C++, Python
Henrik "HerHde"
- Informatik, 3nd semester
- Technican at Campusradio L'UniCo
- Skills: Etherpad, PHP, Win/Linux Admin...
* Computer science
* Skills: Java, Android, ...
Nisha Naique
Masters (Informatik)
Skills : C, C++, Java (Basic), HTML, Android, ...
4. Infrastructure
5 Meeting notes
* 10.09.2014
* Einige Projekte von anderen OK Labs würden sich gut für Paderborn eignen
* Sobald einige Projekte da sind, kommt man leichter an Daten für andere Projekte
* Man sollte versuchen, die Idee des Freigebens zu vermitteln
* Viele davon sind "nur" Daten anpassen - der Datenteil ist meist die Hauptarbeit
* Es ist ein Hackaton geplant: 11.10.2014 12:00 L'Unico
* Ist L'Unico möglicherweise zu klein?
* Pizza-Bestellung später?
* 11:00 optionales Frühstück in der Cafete
6. Input-Sesssions and Workshops
combined with e-learning? optional sharing of slides? optional sharing of recordings on ?
- git in general
- Editing the homepage, aka. working with jekyll & github pages
- Mapping for openstreetmap
- more?
6. ToDOs und wer's macht
- Maximilian Wilhelm fragen, was eine, am besten tagesaktuelle Liste von APs und deren Ort in der Uni angeht. (Harald)
Structure from