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XNzqegv4aH a Breakout Session Topics & Guiding Questions
Each group is expected to report back the three most important points from their breakout group discussion at the end of the breakout session.

Groups should designate a note-taker who will be responsible for uploading detailed notes from their group’s discussion to

Use the guiding questions below to start conversations within your group, but don’t limit yourselves to discussing only those questions.

Group 1: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Metrics


  1. * Need for collaboration with subject specialists and other stakeholders to determine meaningful qualitative metrics. Different groups have different stakes and impact is different.
  2. * Need to determine goals of assessment prior to beginning. Assessment plan should be a foundation. Assessment shouldn't be an event, should be a process. 

Three Most Important Points
Point 1: 

Point 2: 

Point 3: