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Taking Privacy Considerations Forward- Thursday July 17, 3.30-4.30pm

Sched: (;&sidebar=yes&bg=no#.U7VuVZRdUrc)

Facilitator/Contact Details
Sally Deffor- Open Knowledge (
Javier Ruiz- ORG(
Christopher Wilson (@cosgrovedent)
Walter van Holst (@whvholst)

Session hashtag: #opendataandprivacy

Session description: This session develops on the back of the Open Data & Privacy workshop held in June 2014 in London. The discussions led to the identification and  prioritization of some key outputs (research & case studies, guides, policy papers, and a toolkit) whose development would contribute greatly towards the continuing work on these issues. Three of these would be discussed in this session including personal data licenses, a data publishing checklist and a talking guide for communicating on privacy and open data. This is intended to be a very participatory  and interactive working session so do bring your thinking caps!

Useful reference:

Session outline/agenda:

Issues discussed in break out

Report back (3 takeaways):

Some notes from break out sessions


## What did you learn and/or make?

## How/what could you teach others?