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OpUpSci #OpUpSci

Feel free to make the pad your own :-)
Contributions to the pad will nbe in the public domain, as per .

General questions for the workshop:
How to overcome the fears?

What are the reasons to engage in open science?

What's in it for me?

Talk Puneet Kishor  “A lawyer, a scientist, and a kid walk into a makerspace”
Puneet's slides:

If traditional science separates those 'inside' from those 'outside', how can a culture of sharing be created?

Affiliated scientists and non affiliated scientists rarely meet or talk

Libraries of the future are providing access to IT services. Like VMs from commercial companies

Talk Daniel Mietchen: “Opening up the research cycle”
Daniel Mietchen: Regarding open science we are still exploring. What can we do with all the stuff which is already open, what cannot we do with that is closed?

EU Call for "Putting Open Science into action":

Most output and processes in science are not visible: ideas, project proposals, ....

Notes for Daniel's presentation:

    let's google "open science" -
    I have to add that there is something new coming up in the internet that might be useful for science. Blockchain 2.0 technology,, etc. these are web 3.0 (without buzzwordism) applications - we should discuss them for science ! :) 

Talk Christian Heise: “Scientific writing in an open platform”
Open PhD:

Is is not allowed to pre-publish a PhD thesis -> Good luck the University of Lünbeburg do no "see the internet as a publishing place" 
It took a year to convince the offical agencies of the university to do it
Tweeting about has lead to an significant increase of page views. 

Talk Sönke Bartling:  “Opening Up Science – to what end and why?”
Blockchain university:

Diskussion group
- future of scientific libraries
- how to encourage people to be open
- new technologies in science
- charges in scholarly communications
- paycheques for open scientists?
- closed definition
- reputation systems
- how to bridge gaps between stakeholders
- idea thefts
- openess in different disciplines
- wiki data
- privacy + sharing

using blockchain technology on _complete_ access logs (to sensitive data, e.g. in the Commons) to validate that accesses to the data were proper 

- based on _past performance_, rather than narratives of potential futures
- how can MPDL help?
        in addition to negotiating with the Elseviers, perhaps think about supporting open science platforms like the Open Science Framework or the RIO Journal
- contracts with clauses on non-sharing, incl. at Max Planck, at Fraunhofer and universities. I still have such clauses now, but they are limited in scope, and anything else is in the public domain

would like to discuss Wikidata
- brings together affiliated and non-affiliated scientists around open data that can be used by anyone and their machines

- solve provenance
- if you share as you go, it will be hard for others to "publish before you"

Puneet: contractually constricted commons

Which tools your are using for your research and why? Are they "open"?
Presentation created with photoshop are often shared as PDF, which hampers reuse in contrast to the original format PPT
Why should scientists use alternative tools such as GoogleDocs when they are satisfied with exis-ting solutions (such as tex)
Often the benefits are not clear such as sharing, versioning, ...
Sharing must become an integral part of creating
Problem: study showed that many people like sharing but do not practice it
We should create a parallel science system to the current science system and proof that the new/parallel system is better
Libraries should focus more on open content
Teach your students if you are a professor - demand that students make their results publically available
Good examples for open science:,
Switching to open science can be explored in small steps, e.g. just start with one project, the whole research system cannot be changed in a short time
"Openess" must be integrated in the scholary record, beginning at an early stage
To comprehensible assess research more data is needed from the research cycle
Different type of artificial competitions are needed
Citations (count) still counts to filter "high quality" publications -> we need better recommendation system with more data -> e.g. altmetrics
Scientists don't care about publishing open or closed, they have no reason to think about it
Problem: Good papers does not necessarily give you good reputation
Sometimes you have to find workarounds to apply openess in the open system 
-> Just do it and see what happens

See also:
    subscribe to the german speaking mailing list: !!!

- Florian Meier (
- Dirk Fleischer (
- Guido Scherp (