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35th virtual meeting of the OKFN Working Group for Open Bibliographic Data
Date: December, 3rdth 2013, 16:00 GMT see
Channels: Meet on this etherpad. If less than 8 people we'll try Skype. Meeting results will be gathered here and published on
Adrian Pohl
Owen Stephens
Katelyn Rogers
Karen Coyle
Peter Murray-Rust [Skype: peter.murray.rust]
SWIB13 report
RLUK/TEL Hackday
- RLUK (Research Libraries UK) has joined TEL (The European Library) which means that metadata from RLUK member libraries will be available as cc0 through TEL as linked data and via an API - see for the announcement from RLUK
- RLUK/TEL is going to hold a hackday next year to engage with the developer/open biblio community and start to explore what can be done with the data
- Owen Stephens is working with RLUK to coordinate the event, and looking for input/support in relation to:
- Identifying an appropriate venue
- Advertising
- Participants
- Live reporters
- Write-ups
- Is there anything we can contribute in terms of policies/standards? Hackfests focus on the technology, but may lack use cases and other background info.
- Choose a theme (or a few themes)
- Can set challenges or defined outcomes
- Karen sees a challenge in bridging the gap between catalogers and lib coders - Owen: They have accomplished bringing together catalogers and coders in previous events. Further challenge is to also involve non-library folks.
- I mentioned two events focussed on engaging cataloguers:
- ELAG - 10-13 June in Bath - could this be an opportunity?
- How do we get a mix of attendees
- Is this a 'library oriented day' or a more general day?
- Length of event? One day? Two days?
- PMR cites NHS Hack as a particularly useful day (arranged by Helen Jackson)
- Pre-event social event
- Managers/Patients organisations - but need 2 days to effectively that input and turn into coded output
- Mixture of practitioners and coders
- Both 'inward' (for practitioners) and 'outward' (for patients)
- Try to aim for this mix
- Get developers from wider community - outside libraries and outside academia
- Can we establish this as 'first of a series'?
- Work in conjunction with larger organisation - e.g. BL - Mahendra Mahey (BL Labs) (also Ben O'Steen is technical lead on this)
- Working with the BL would allow working with BL collections - digital collections; BNB; ....
- Organising HackDay Resources:
- Work with the LODLAM group? report
- RDFa/microdata /JSON-LD markup for webpages to provide structured data for search engines
- Schema Bib Extend Community Group wants to extend to have a basic subset of properties/classes for bibliographic information.
- the group tends to be library-centric and is now talking about article metadata and could use some more non-library input
- Karen raises the problem of structured data on the web that isn't explictely licensed - Owen: Most of the content on the web is in that category
- PMR: Where can you find this data? - Karen: Currently only and data from evergreen library systems
- Karen wants to build "community consciousness" on licensing embedded structured data.
- [OS] I'm keen that we build the conciousness about common practice with anything published on the web and not necessarily assume things have to be explicitly licensed to achieve this - otherwise there is a risk that big players will always dare to do what small player will not
- [OS] e.g. 'open access' repositories often have terms that say you can't do things via OAI-PMH while allowing Google to do the same things via crawling - see which links to another couple of posts on this
- Web Data Commons Extraction Report - August 2012 Corpus: